{92} Kim Taehyung

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This one's kinda dedicated to my friend, since her horse has the same name C:

This one's kinda dedicated to my friend, since her horse has the same name C:

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"C'mon you can do it!"

"Can't you see I'm trying?! I can't!"

"Of course you can! Just grab it!"

You sighed. "Honey. Listen. I can't reach it even if I want to!"

Taehyung sighed and carefully let you down, placing you on the grass again. He raised an arm and brushed his hand through his hair. "I really wanted to gather apples with you today..." He muttered under his breath as he looked up at the apples still in the tree.

"And we can," You said. "Just not this way. My arm hurts from reaching for that apple." You whine, causing Taehyung to look at you. "I'm sorry for making you do that baby." He pouted.

"That's fine, we'll just look for something to use to reach them." You smiled at him, a smile spreading on his lips as well. He nodded and looked around.

The trees surrounding you had a lot of apples in them, and the row of trees a litte further had pears growing on them, and a little further from that row the trees had something else growing in them. You and Taehung had been sulking about a ruined day due to the rain, and when he heard his grandparents wanted him to come visit for the weekend, he immediately told you.

The little farm owned by his family was a beautiful place to relax, as well as to get some fresh air and appreciate the beauty of nature around you. It wasn't that far away from the city, just far enough to have some quiet peace and close enough to go shopping every now and then. And the weather always seemed to be amazing there.

"How about we go look in the shed?" You proposed, knowing there had to be at least some buckets you could stand on in the corner.

Taehyung's smile reappeared on his features. "That's a great idea!" He said and turned around, running off to the stables while you followed him shortly after.

Some of the horses there looked up at your entry, the others just continuing eating their food. ''There should be one laying around here somewhere.." Taehyung said, full in thoughts as he walked ahead of you, stepping into the shed attached to the stables and looking around.

You had been to his childhood home before, but it still amazed you to be on a farm. You were raised in the city and hadn't been on the countryside a lot. Even so you loved it, and having Taehyung there just added to the fun.

"Found something!" You heard him yell, seeing him walk back towards you from the corner of your eyes. You smiled, but the smile wasn't derected to him. It was for the mare in front of you. You had stopped walking after Tae the minute you saw her, something about the horse just captivating you. Her gentle eyes spoke to you in a way you couldn't really describe, and she was so sweet, letting you pet her.

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