{24} Kim Namjoon & Park Jimin

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I honestly have no idea what I did here, but it has some insanity and something you should NOT do with certain things!! If you don't care, enjoy and ignore the crappy story line on this one :)

I honestly have no idea what I did here, but it has some insanity and something you should NOT do with certain things!! If you don't care, enjoy and ignore the crappy story line on this one :)

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"Lets's watch his one!"  Jimin says as he scrolled through Netflix and finally saw one he wanted to watch.

"I'm fine with anything."  You smile at him and you put the bowl of popcorn on the table. Namjoon pouts his lips as he takes a handful and stuffs his mouth.  "Me too."

"Joon no talking when you're eating!"  Jimin scolds him. Namjoon makes a gesture of apology before continuing to stuff his mouth. You sigh and take a sip of your hot chocolate.  "Just start the movie already."

While Jimin starts the movie you nuzzle between them on the couch, making yourself comfortable. The intro went by pretty fast, it started in the middle of an event. You're immediately drawn to the movie and you watch it in silence. While the movie plays Jimin lays his head on your shoulder. You smile and start petting his head.

"You know what's the best of being insane??"  The crazy girl in the movie asks.  "It's better to be someone who can not think clearly than being someone who clearly cannot think."  She laughs.

Your movements slowly stop. Her words ringing in your head. Oh how right she was. You shrug it off as the movie continues. And you continue with running your hand through Jimin's soft locks. All the while Namjoon munches on his snacks beside you, watching the movie with big eyes.

Suddenly the laughter of the crazy girl sounds again, as she is now petting a very worn out teddy bear.  "Who is my sweet little teddy?"  She says before laughing again.

"Sweetheart, honey you need to go to sleep."  The father of the girl says.

"No I don't wanna!"  She screams and throws her teddy bear to him. He catches it, which was probably a wrong move as she gasps.  "You're kidnapping my teddy! You're a monster!"  She starts to cry.

"No I'm not, you threw it to me. Go to sleep."  He sternly says and walks out, leaving her alone.

"Meanie."  She mutters under her breath before bursting out of laughter again. "He will survive and he will break your arm in your sleep."  She laughs. You don't know why, but something inside of you triggers. You start to feel uncomfortable by her words, but at the same time, you like it. As the movie continues you start to relate to her more. Every crazy thing she does, you think is funny.

In the final scene she holds a knife. You left your sane self behind as your insane side surfaces. She laughs and put the knife on her arms, and smiles.  "I cannot think clearly, I know that, but at least I get to live my life my way."  She laughs again and pushes the blade into her arm slowly. You don't know why, but you stand up, making Jimin, whose head was still on your shoulder, fall on the couch.

"W-What? What are you doing, I was comfy!"  He pouts. You ignore him and walk to the kitchen, hearing Namjoon call after you. You smile as you let your eyes roam the kitchen, looking for something you know you'll regret even thinking about later. Finally you found it.

"What are you-"  Namjoon stops his words as he sees you have a knife and smile. He rushed up to you and grabs the knife from your hands, throwing it to the floor, before pushing you close to his chest.

"What's going on?"  Jimin's soft voice sounds from behind Namjoon's shoulders. He gasps too as he sees the knife. He rushes up to it and picks it up, before throwing it in the sink and joining the hug.

"Let me go!"  You yell.

"No."  Namjoon simply says.  "Not until you're yourself again."

"I should've chosen another movie."  Jimin says softly.

"It's not your fault Jiminie."  Namjoon comforts him while trying to stop you from breaking free. You struggle against his hold a few times more before finally relaxing and just cry against his chest.  "I.. I don't- I wasn't-"

"It's okay, you're okay now."  Namjoon soothes you.

"I'm sorry."  Jimin apologizes again, pressing his cheek against your back. After a while you stop crying.

"I'm sorry, I just.. I don't know what I was thinking."

"Next time you can choose the movie, okay?"  Namjoon hugs you a little tighter. You nod.  "Deal."

"But don't watch it without us because I don't want to even think about what will happen if you do this while we're not here." Jimin presses his forehead against your shoulder. You nod again.  "Sorry."

"So now we're all okay, what about we get ourselves some ice cream?" Namjoon asks. You look up to him and smile.  "Ice cream is always a good idea!"

"Me too me too me too!"  Jimin chants and lifts his head too. Namjoon laughs.  "Then get in the car!"

You look at Jimin.  "I claim the front seat!"

"No way that's my spot!"

"I'm faster than you anyway."  You smile as you run to the door.

"That's not fair!"  Jimin whines, following close to you.

"I get to drive so I don't have to go through all the struggleee woopwoop." Namjoon softly sings as he casually walks after you both. He makes sure to close the door after him, leaving the movie to play for nobody except the couch.


When you got back, it was late in the evening. Jimin was already fast asleep, and while Namjoon carried him inside, you quickly clicked the Little Mermaid away, which was playing from auto play. Afterwards you walked up to your room as well. When you walked in Namjoon carefully placed Jimin down on the bed, pulling the blankets up. Jimin instantly snuggled into them and hummed in satisfaction.

"Cutie."  You smiled.

"He is, right?"  Namjoon smiled at the angel in front of him as well. You sighed and quickly got changed, before slipping in behind Jimin. You wrapped one of your legs around his waist, feeling the warmth radiate from his body. You held your arms in front of you, trying to stay as warm as possible.

Namjoon chuckled.  "How are you both so cute?"

"Jimin is a good teacher."  You chuckled as well. Namjoon smiled at that and got in too. He wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled his nose in the crook of your neck, kissing your shoulder possessively.

"Night, Joonie."  You yawned.

"Goodnight, princess."  He held you closer.

"Nighty, my prince."  You kissed the back of Jimin's head, who groaned in response, too tired to talk.

You smiled and closed your eyes, feeling the warmth of both of your boys against the fabric of your pajamas's, warming your cold self up. You yawned, and snuggled against them one last time before slowly drifting away into a dreamless dream.

Goodnight ♥️♥️

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