{71} Min Yoongi

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You sigh as you look at the clock

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You sigh as you look at the clock.

The hands slowly ticking.

The seconds slowly passing by.

Yoongi had been coming home later than usual in the beginning of the week, and when he got back home he would be all grumpy. He'd brush you off when you wanted a hug, going straight to bed, only to wake up early in the morning to leave again. And since a few days he didn't even come home anymore, he just stayed at the dorms.

Today was nothing different. He promised you he'd be home before dinner, so you could finally have a meal together again. The hands of the clock slowly made their way towards the ten as you waited for at least a text message of him,

So much for a promise.

You scoff as you stand up, tears creeping their way into your eyes as you place your phone on the dresser in the livingroom before making your way to the bedroom. There was no way he'd get home any time soon, and no way you were going to wait for him anymore.

You've had enough of that.

You started to think that maybe, there was someone else. Sure, he said he was at the dorms all day, but what if that was just a lie to cover up for his actual actions? You knew Yoongi wasn't one to cheat. He was always honest and ready for anything. But you slowly started to think otherwise.

He always came home on time. Always gave you at least one kiss on the cheek. Always helped you set the table for dinner. After that he'd always cuddle with you when you'd watch a movie or something and always let you snuggle into his side before you fell asleep together.

But now... Everything had changed.

He came home late. Didn't gave you kisses anymore, let alone hugs. You had dinner all by yourself in the poorly lit room. The house was quiet as you just watched a drama alone to pass some time, before eventually you went to bed, falling asleep in a cold bed on the very end of your side.

Tears welled up in your eyes as you thought about the possibility that maybe there was someone else who got all that warmth from him. You loved him with all your heart, you didn't want to let go of him.

Was he really cheating on you?

You decide to call one of the boys. You had to know if he was still there or not. You walked downstairs and fetched your phone from the dresser, before quickly looking for Namjoon's name and calling him. It didn't took him too long to pick up.

"Hey." His voice sounded from the other side of the line. "Is something wrong, you didn't text me first?"

Normally if you needed him for something you always just texted him, so he knew when something was up when you straight up called him.

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