{72} Jeon Jeongguk

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I kinda feel bad these days so the imagines will be updated a tad slower :(

You sigh as you slam the door of your car shut and walk towards the doors of the large building in front of you

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You sigh as you slam the door of your car shut and walk towards the doors of the large building in front of you.

Today is Wednesday, meaning you were going to see Jungkook again. Every Wednesday for the past few months you went to visit him, it had become a routine.

Even so you hated it. Not becuase you were going to see him, but because of the circumstances.

You pushed the door open and walked inside, immediately greeted by the scent of antibiotics and bandages lingering around the building. In the first few weeks the smell bothered you a lot, but from there you got used to it.

"Hello."  You greeted the woman behind the counter. She was looking through some files, and you could read some of the patient names on them.

She looked up to you and smiled, letting go of the papers and folding her hands in front of her.  "Hello, how can I help you?"

"I'm here for Jeon Jungkook."  You said while slightly smiling back. She nodded and rolled her chair over to the computer, clicking away on the screen while furrowing her eyebrows.

Eventually she turned back to you.  "He's getting his treatment now but you can go see him if you want. Do you know his room number?"

You nodded and thanked her before walking towards the elevators. Luckily there was no one else who wanted to go up or down, so you had the whole elevator to yourself.

You reached your hand up and pushed the button, watching the doors close while leaning back against the wall. You looked up to the number above the doors as you felt the elevator start to move, watching the number switch from one to two, from two to three, from three to four, and from four to five.

When the door opened you saw some people who were waiting on the elevator. You politely smiled at them before walking out, giving them space to enter. You sighed and walked through the hallway, walking to the room where your boyfriend was supposed to be.

Finally you reached the familiar room, the number 407 painted neatly on the middle of the door. You reached your hand up to knock a few times before you slowly opened the door.

"There you go."  The nurse who stood next to the bed said.  "I'll come back in a few hours to give you your second dose. Until then just rest a bit."

You closed the door and leaned your back against it as you waited for them to finish. You saw Jungkook nod.  "Thank you."

The nurse grabbed the stuff she had needed to give him his medicine and tapped some buttons on the monitor before she turned towards the door. She smiled once she saw you, and you moved away from the door to let her exit.

BTS Soft Sleep Imagines [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu