{6} Kim Taehyung

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Before we start, I have something to say. I'm kinda really sick, and I didn't get any sleep last night, so I asked busan_exe to do an Imagine for me this time. So this Imagine isn't mine, but hers. It really helped me falling asleep, thank you♥️

It was around 11 PM and your boyfriend Taehyung still wasn't home

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It was around 11 PM and your boyfriend Taehyung still wasn't home. You were sick and you really needed him right now. You wanted to cuddle with him really bad, be close with. You kept waiting and waiting.

You decided to call him, well.. try to.

The first time he didn't pick up. The second and third time he didn't pick up either. You started worrying about him, hoping nothing bad was happening to him.

Suddenly, you hear the front door open. You sat up, slowly standing up and walking towards the living room. You saw Taehyung standing there with a tired expression. You went to hug him immediately.

"Jagi, I'm sorry I'm late.."

You smile. "It's okay, I just missed you a lot.. I wasn't feeling great because I'm sick." You sigh.

"Are you okay Jagi?" Tae asked with a worried expression.

"I want cuddles.." You whine. Tae smiled, picking you up in bridal style and leaving a kiss on your forehead.

"I love you." He whispered.

"Love you too~" You whisper back. He carefully placed you on the bed. Showering you with kisses.


"Yes Jagi?"

"Can you give me some painkillers.. my head hurts." You pout. He nodded, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. You watched him hurry.

"Such a perfect boyfriend..." You whisper to yourself. Tae walked into the room, a glass of water in his hand, and of course, the painkillers.

"Found them." He said. You smiled. You took a sip of the water and then took the painkillers.

"Cuddle?" You asked. He nodded.

He took of his shoes and jacket whispering a "I'm sorry" for leaving his jacket on the bed and his shoes next to the bed. He hugged you from behind, placing soft kisses on your neck and shoulder. You turned around, smiling at him. He leaned in and gave you a kiss on your nose before showering you face with soft kisses.

"Mhhh.. now, let's sleep okay? You look very tired and your painkillers won't work if you don't sleep now." He whispered. You nodded. Closing your eyes, you snuggled closer to him.

"I love you Jagi.. good night~" He whispered.

"Night~" You whisper back. Soon you drift off to sleep, listening to your boyfriend's breathing.

Sleep well ❤️

BTS Soft Sleep Imagines [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu