{47} Kim Taehyung

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Bringing back Tae with a mullet because that was a r t 👏🏻

Also I'm sorry for having so much Maknae line imagines at once and less Hyung line ones. It's harder to write imagines for the Hyung line for some reason. I'll try to do more imagines for the Hyung line 💙

Fun/awkward fact: I got jealous of the yn character in this imagine while writing it :"))

While carefully walking up the stairs you tried to balance the things in your hand; a plate with some strawberries and a cup of tea

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While carefully walking up the stairs you tried to balance the things in your hand; a plate with some strawberries and a cup of tea.

Taehyung had been in his room for a few hours straight now, and you decided to bring him something to eat as well as giving him some company.

When you reached his room you wanted to knock to let him know you were there, only to find out you had no hands free to do so. Shrugging, you silently opened the door with your foot, hoping he wouldn't mind it that you didn't knock.

You slowly stepped into the room, the scent of paint and old brushes immediately hitting you, and pushed the door close as far as you could before walking over to his desk and placing the things down.

You sighed as you took in the peaceful setting of the room.

The boxes with empty canvases that were stacked up on one side of the room, the many brushes and pencils in little cups that took their place on the shelves, the walls that were covered with paintings and sketched drawings, and the many colors of paint that were scattered around the room.

Your eyes wandered around the room before they landed on the most beautiful piece of art in your eyes.

Kim Taehyung.

He sat there, his back towards you as he moved his wrist to let the brush slide over the canvas, covering the fabric with an old red color. You smiled and walked up to him, softly humming something so he would know you were there, and you wouldn't scare him and ruin the painting.

You would feel really bad if you did.

Once you stood behind him you placed your hands on his shoulders, looking at the canvas. It wasn't completely finished yet, but you could see it was a forest. Everything was black and white, the only color being a red tree in the middle. Two people were standing underneath its leaves, hugging.

"It's really beautiful."

He sighed and let his hand fall down to his lap.  "You think?"

"Mhm. That red looks amazing with the black and white."  You say as you moved your hands over his shoulders, trying to ease up his tense muscles. He hummed and leant back against your stomach, his hair softly tickling your skin through your thin shirt.  "Does it?"

BTS Soft Sleep Imagines [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu