{25} Jeon Jeongguk

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I honestly don't know what I did with the ending but I feel like it's a cute thing >~<

I honestly don't know what I did with the ending but I feel like it's a cute thing >~<

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"Thirthythree.. thirtyfour... thirthyfive.."

"You're doing great Kookie!" You said while clapping your hands together, matching his rhythm. Jungkook hummed in response and continued counting as he made steady push-ups.

He had you sitting on his back for his training, and you were watching people walk by with a smile, all with wide eyes in awe of the strength the young man under you had in his arms. Jungkook had a few days off, but that didn't keep him from going to the gym. He had pleaded with his bunny doe eyes for you to come too, and of course you couldn't say no to him.

"Fifty!" He said with a sigh and let himself fall on the ground. You squeaked from the sudden movement and fell backwards on the floor, landing on something sharp right in the middle of your spine. It was probably the edge of a fitness machine that stood next to you, considering the shape.

"A little warning would be nice, thank you very much." You whined and closed your eyes for a few seconds.

"I'm sorry baby, are you okay?" He asked, removing your legs from his back and sitting up to look at you. Your spine stung a bit, but you weren't planning on worrying your boyfriend over it. He really wanted to exercise and you didn't want to ruin that.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." You smiled to make it more believable. He nodded and stood up, reaching his hand out for you. You gently grabbed it, and you couldn't stop the slight scrunching of your nose when you felt a rush of pain shoot through your spine when he pulled you up.

"So what's next?" He asked.

"Kook we've been here for over two hours, don't you think you exercised enough?" You said, partly because you really wanted to go home due to the pain.

He looked at the clock that hung on the wall. "You're right. I'm getting a bit tired anyway." He smiled at you and placed his arm around your shoulder, making you wince slightly.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked worried. You nodded. "Very sure. Let's go home."

He nodded and walked to the counter to get his stuff before walking you out of the gym and to his car. The whole car ride you tried not to make any sound at every bump in the road, but every now and then Jungkook would glance at you, suspecting something was wrong.

When you got home Jungkook went to shower first, as you busied yourself with putting his stuff away and grabbing a few cookies, leaving a few snacks and a drink for Jungkook on the table as well. When he was ready he kissed your forehead as a thanks and left you to shower as well.

You quickly but carefully undressed yourself, before stepping into the shower, the warm water calming you in an instant. When you tried to wash yourself another rush of pain shoot through you, and you couldn't help but whimper, your eyes slightly tearing up. It hurt more than what you originally thought, and you started to feel like maybe it wasn't a little deal anymore. After you finally finished showering you put on your pajamas's, and walked to the bedroom.

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