{28} Kim Seokjin

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You sighed as you finally change back to your regular clothes after a whole day working at the local coffee shop

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You sighed as you finally change back to your regular clothes after a whole day working at the local coffee shop. You loved the job, that wasn't the problem. But sometimes, when it was crowded, it could be really exhausting. You looked at yourself in the mirror and undid your hair from the knot, and put it in a ponytail instead.


You grabbed your phone to see what the message was about, and smiled when you saw who it was.

Kim Seokjin.

The one who stole your heart since the very first weeks of talking. The one who would cheer you up everytime you were upset. The one who you loved the most.

But sadly, also the one who lived hella far away from you. And also the one who you never got to see in real life. The distance wasn't a problem for your relationship, even though there were times you really wished he could live closer by.

Jinnie 💜
Hey babyy, how is your work? 💝

Bubby 💝
Heyy Jin~ 💋 I'm just finishing up, about to go back home.

Jinnie 💜
Oh that's good! Make sure not to walk too fast, 'kay?

You furrowed your eyebrows together. He never said that, what was the difference now?

Bubby 💝
What? Why? 😂

Jinnie 💜
Because... I don't want you to trip over something so just be careful! But stay on text I wanna talk 😇

Bubby 💝
Okaayyy... I'm going to leave now, wait a second

You put your phone in your pocket and closed your locker, before grabbing your bag and walking back to the front of the cafe. Everyone already left, even the rest of the staff members. You couldn't blame them though, it was Friday, and late in the evening at that. You would've done the same if you didn't had any more cleaning to do. The only ones in the shop left were you, and the manager.

"See you on Monday!" The manager, Baekhyun, said while cleaning some more cups.

"Thank you." You smiled. "Have a good weekend Baek!"

He gave you a smile back as you pushed the door open. When you were walking back home you fetched your phone again.

Jinnie 💜
Okay but don't take too long, I'll miss you!
Are you there?

Bubby 💝
Yes! I'm here!

Jinnie 💜
Good! I thought you left me 😭

Bubby 💝
Jin I could never leave you, you know that 🤧♥️

Jinnie 💜
I know, I'm way too amazing for that 😊

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