{90} Min Yoongi & Kim Taehyung PT.1

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This imagine was requested by my best best friend BTSInMyOwnWorld ♥️ I couldn't do everything in one imagine, so I'm doing it in 2 parts. Hope you don't mind.

 Hope you don't mind

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"Ahw, look at them."

"They're so adorable!"

"We gotta wake them up though." Someone sighed.

"Yeah.." The other person agreed. You stirred a bit, wanting the voices to shut up so you could continue sleeping. You grabbed the fabric in front of you with a fist and pulled it closer over you.

"Did she just-"

"She did."

"That was so cute."

Another voice joined the scene, the person groaning as the arm over you moved. You pouted, not wanting to let go of the arm and the warmth it provided.

"W-What's happening, are we there yet?" A female asked and the arm over you disappeared completely. You whined, reaching in front of you to grab something but failing completely.

A chuckle.  "Wake up baby, you have to get up too." The voice said as a strong grip came to rest on your wrists, gently pulling you up.

You whined again, but didn't protest, keeping your eyes close and letting you be led to somewhere what you assumed was outside, if the change in temperature was anything to go by.

"Did we sleep the whole way?"  The female asked, your mind finally awake enough to register that it was your friend, Lee Eunji.

You met her at the movies when you and another friend went to see a movie you wanted to see for a long time. She wasn't with anyone, but you immediately started talking as soon as you were in a five meter radius from each other. Your friend and you decided to take her under your wings and let her sit with you during the movie, as you found it a bit sad if she had to sit all by herself at front.

It just clicked between you two, you had the same humor, the same imagination, and you couldn't think of a world without her in it anymore. Talking to her just became part of your daily routine.

"You were pretty much out cold after the first hour of the drive." Someone said, you now realizing it was Yoongi.

Shortly after you met Eunji, you met two amazing guys. When Eunji was visiting you, you got something to eat and went to sit somewhere at a tree, looking out at the water and some nature. You had been talking about random things, and suddenly the boys just came out of nowhere, mingling in your conversation.

You didn't mind it at the time though, the boys being so beautiful and sweet and the two of you just couldn't help falling for them.

Now, your friend was dating Min Yoongi, a blackhaired guy with a relaxed attitude. He was always calm and collected, but he could be really outgoing when he wanted. You were happy for them, they're just so perfect for each other.

BTS Soft Sleep Imagines [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu