{54} Park Jimin

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So, I'm one of the people that suffer from hay fever :").
It's honestly the worst feeling in the world, and how I described it in this imagine isn't even half as bad as it actually is. 🤧
Please consider yourself lucky if you don't have hay fever :")).

 🤧Please consider yourself lucky if you don't have hay fever :"))

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You hated this.

Every year the same thing would happen, and it'll last for a whole season.


You hated and dreaded Spring more than anything else. Not because of the nice weather, or the young flowers, or the newborn animals, but because of your allergies.

Every year your nose would begin running, your eyes would start to get red and watery, and you sneezed a lot. On top of that, you had trouble breathing at night sometimes because of your runny nose.

You opened the door to your apartment, closing it as soon as you got in. You hung your coat back on the rack and looked for any windows who were opened.

You were living with Jimin for a few weeks now. He had asked you to move in after you were several months together. Your friends all thought you moved too fast, but you and Jimin loved each other to death, and you both agreed on this.

With a sigh you walked over to the kitchen, planning on getting yourself a drink, when you saw the window was opened. Not even a little bit, but it was fully opened.

You rushed over to it and closed it. You knew Jimin liked the windows to be opened during warm weather, because he wanted to let some fresh air into the house, but you didn't want the pollen to be inside too.

You had enough trouble with it already when you were outside.

You opened the fridge and got yourself a cold drink, before opening a cabinet and grabbing some chocolate. You walked over to the living room and sat down on the couch, turning the television on. You decided to watch some shows as you had nothing better to do.

Scrolling through the programs on Netflix your eyes landed on a new series. After reading the caption you decided to start watching it.

Halfway through the first episode your eyes started to itch. You knew that you couldn't do anything about it, as rubbing your eyes would only make it worse. After a few minutes you couldn't help it anymore, and brought your hand up to your eyes with a heavy sigh.

You stand up and walk around the room while fanning your eyes, trying to ease the stinging feeling. After a few minutes the itchy feeling began to fade away, being replaced by tears. You didn't mind the tears at all, as you could just blink them away and it didn't hurt like the itching.

You grabbed your glass and the chocolate from the small table in front of the couch and walked towards the kitchen. You placed the glass on the counter and put the chocolate away. As you did you heard the door open.

"I'm home~!" Jimin's angelic voice sang though the house.

"Welcome home!" You smiled as he walked into the kitchen, placing his bag on the ground next to the counter. His eyes met yours and he returned the smile, which quickly faded when he saw you.

"Baby? Why are you crying?" He asked as he rushed over to you, placing his hands on your cheeks. You furrowed your eyebrows. "I'm not crying..?" You asked back, confused.

"But your eyes are all red and puffy!" Jimin said as his eyes frantically moved over your face.

"Ah.." You smiled. "That's not because I'm crying."

"It's not funny." He whined as he saw your smile. "What's wrong?"

"It's just because it's Spring. I have allergies."

His expression relaxed as he moved his hands to rest on your shoulders. "You scared me." He pouted.

"Nawhh Chimmiee~" You chuckle and reach up to brush your hand through his blonde hair. "That's really cute, but you don't have to worry about it. Sure, it's the worst thing on earth but it'll go away once Spring's over."

Jimin nods and softly smiles down at you. "Can we still cuddle though?"

"Of course we can!" You chuckle as you stand on your toes to peck his cheek. "First you shower though."

A chuckle leaves his lips as well. "I'll be a minute." He says before he grabs his bag and walks up the stairs. You smile and walk towards the television, switching it off and following him up the stairs.

You walk into the bedroom and replace your jeans for shorts, before grabbing one of his large hoodies. Jimin always commented on how you were shorter than him, but he loved it when you wore his clothes as you looked even smaller in them.

You ducked in bed and curled yourself up in a little ball, waiting for Jimin to finish showering. After a few more minutes he walks into the room, his hair wet and his skin glowing from the fresh shower. He smiles as he sees you wearing his hoodie, before he gets in bed behind you.

"Cute." He mutters as he wraps his arms around your waist. You push your lips in a pout. "Like you're so tall."

It's quiet for a few seconds.

"Like you're so tall." He repeats, imitating your voice the best he can. You gently smack his arm and snuggle further back into his chest. You feel him press a kiss to the back of your head. "I love you, baby. We'll get some medicine for that hay fever first thing tomorrow, promise."

You smile and bring your hand to rest on his bigger ones around your waist. "Thank youu~ I love you too Jiminie." You say while closing your eyes. He chuckles and kisses the back of your head once again, his arms tightening a little around you as he cuddles you close.

After a few minutes you begin to shift a little and you lightly tap his hands.

"Jimin? Are you asleep yet?" You softly ask, your voice sounding funny due your runny nose.

He groans a little. "No, not yet. What's wrong?"

"Can you let me lay on my back? I can't breathe like this."

"You can't breathe?" He asks as he quickly lets go of you and turns you on your back, propping himself up on one elbow so he looks down at you. "Do we need to go see the doctors?"

You chuckle and smile up at him. "It's because of the hay fever, don't worry."

"I do worry." He furrows his eyebrows. "Can't you breathe at all?"

"I can't breathe through my nose, so sleeping is kinda difficult. But when I'm on my back it's slightly better."

He hums and lays back down again, draping an arm and leg over your waist. "I can still cuddle you like this, right?" He asks in a soft voice.

"Of course you can." You chuckle and turn your head to peck his lips. "Goodnight, Chimmie."

"Goodnight, baby." He smiles and leans over to pecks your lips once more. You close your eyes and make yourself comfortable in his hold.

You hated the hay fever, and the thought that it would last for a whole season didn't make it any better. But, you were happy you had someone like Jimin, who would be concerned rather than playing it off as just some random allergy.

Slowly, you start to drift away, occasionally sniffling due to your runny nose. You finally fall asleep, being comforted by his arms around you.

Goodnight ♥️♥️

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