{22} Min Yoongi & Kim Taehyung

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"I should've never agreed on this

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"I should've never agreed on this." Yoongi groans as he climbs up the many steps after you.

"C'mon Hyung, look at the view! This was so worth it!" Taehyung's eyes are wide as he looks at the view you have over the valley at the foot at the mountain below you.

"Woahh, it's so pretty!" You gape as you take a few pictures. Finally Yoongi gets on the top of the cliff as well. He closes his eyes and sighs deeply before opening them again and walking over to you.

"Okay I have to give it to you, this view is amazing." He smiles and takes a few pictures as well.

"Told you you'd like it." You sighed contently as you looked at the mountains in the distance.

"Yeah yeah, I still want to go to sleep though."

"Just admit it Hyung, you love the sunset too!" Taehyung beams happily as he skips by to make some pictures from the other side.

Yoongi sighs. "Fine. But I'm going back inside when I get cold."

"Ahww Little Meow Meow needs his warm blanket, how cute." You smile as you tease him.

"I don't need my warm blanket, I'm a grown up man... And it's Mr. Blanky for your information." He grumbles with a small pout and looks away.

"Cutie." You mutter under your breath as you lean over the little rock wall that blocks off the opportunity of falling down. Yoongi groans at your comment, but follows your movements nonetheless, Taehyung being way too busy with his photography to notice.

The sunset was beautiful. The golden rays from the setting sun, together with the soft shades of pink and purple made it look so ethereal, and you can't help but smile at it. After a while the sky turns more darker, and the stars are starting to pop out.

Taehyung came to a halt, deciding he took enough pictures of the scenery as he stood next to you. "Woah.. That star there is so bright!" He says while pointing at a star in front of you.

"They make a happy face together with those." You smile and point at the stars underneath it.

"They're stars, they don't make happy faces." Yoongi says. Taehyung pouts and turns to him, his hands on his hips. "Don't crush our fantasy with your stupid reality."

Yoongi makes an uninterested face. "Sorry? I mean, I can't help it that stars don't smile."

"Let him have his moment Yoongs, nothing bad about believing stars smile." You hit his shoulder, making him jerk his arm back.

"Whatever. I'm going to bed." He huffs as he turns around and starts walking back to the stone stairs. You roll your eyes and turn back to face Taehyung. He's already back to focusing on the stars, and watches them with twinkles in his eyes.

"Oh! A falling star! Let's make a wish!" He closes his eyes tightly shut and places his hands in front of his face. You watch him in awe. The light of the moon shone beautifully on his face, making him look ethereal.

"Okay that might've been the bestest wish I ever made!" He happily says as he turns to you.

"I'm sure it'll come true, TaeTae." You smile and turn around. "Let's get to Yoongi before he gets a nightmare or something."

Taehyung nodded and walked after you. You carefully go down the stairs as it's pretty dark, and walk back into the little house.

"Try not to make any sound, Yoongi might be already slee-"


You turn around, only to face Taehyung standing frozen as a stature, and one of the chairs laying sideways on the floor.

"Tae- How the fuck did you even manage to do that?!" You whisper-yell at him.

He holds his hands up in defeat. "I don't know, magic? Don't blame me this is all part of the moon's plan to fulfill my wish" He winked at you. You rolled your eyes and started to walk up the stairs. As you said, Yoongi's little snores fill the bedroom as you quickly change into your pajamas's and slip into bed next to him, cuddling up to Yoongi's chest.

He stirs in his sleep, peeking one eye slightly open before closing it again and hugging you. Taehyung stumbles a bit while changing, but eventually he gets in behind you, hugging you waist and resting his chin on your head.

"Tae? What did you wish for?" You softly ask him.

"If I tell you it won't come true. Rule one by falling stars, you should know that!" He says and pouts.

Yoongi mumbles something you can't really hear, and falls back to sleep.

You chuckle. "Night Yoonie." You affectionately kiss the tip of his nose, which causes him to slightly hum in his sleep. You feel Taehyung pressing a kiss to the top of your head.

"Goodnight, princess."

You sleepily smile. "Nighty, TaeTae."

You feel him hugging you closer, breathing into your neck. You lean your forehead against Yoongi's as you close your eyes, feeling the tiredness kick in. After a while of feeling Taehyung's hot breath tickling the nape of your neck, and listening to the tiny sounds of Yoongi's soft snoring, you fall asleep.

Goodnight ♥️♥️

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