{76} Kim Seokjin

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Guess whose test week is next week? 😩 Wish me luck.

(I'll need it)

"Ugh, I'm melting!" You groan as you brush your bangs back, getting them out of your face

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"Ugh, I'm melting!" You groan as you brush your bangs back, getting them out of your face. Jin chuckles beside you as he grabs your hand in his larger one. "It was your own idea to go to the beach on a walk today."

"I knoww." You whine as your lips form in a pout. You sigh as you feel the hot sun burning on your skin. "I didn't think it would be this hot outside."

Jin is quick to kiss your pout away. "How about we get some icecream on our way home, mh?"

You smile up to him. "Yes!"

A chuckle leaves his lips as you make your way to the nearest icecream stall on the beach. You eye the different sorts of icecream flavours with big, round eyes while Jin reaches his hand in his backpocket to fetch his phone.

"Which flavour do you want?" He then asks you. You think about about it for a moment. There are so many flavours you really like, it's hard to only choose one of them. You furrow your eyebrows in conflict, fighting with yourself over which you should choose.

"You can get two if you want?" Jin offers, noticing your frown. You turn your head and look up at him, him being a few inches taller. "Really?"

He nods as he gets out his card from his phone case. "Of course! So which ones?"

Your lips form a huge smile, and you snap your head back to the flavours, quickly scanning the rows of colors with your eyes to find two who go well with each other, finally settling down on something simple.

"Can I get the melon and strawberry, please?" You ask, pointing on the glass with your finger as you look at Jin with big eyes. He smiles and nods his head, turning towards the man behind the stall.

While he orders for the both of you, you turn around and look for a place to sit, your eyes seeing nothing but full tables, families with their childeren sitting on the chairs and occasionally an older couple. You sigh as there are no places left to sit on, but you smile at the fact that many people are enjoying the beach, especially when it's this hot outside.

After a few seconds of you standing there and just looking at some people passing by, Jin steps in front of you. "There you go!" He smiles, handing you your cone with two neat balls of icecream on top of it. You happily take it from his hands, your small hand barely fitting around the large cone. "Thank you~" You sing before you take a bite.

The fruity taste of the melon washes into your mouth, the coldness invading your mouth as well, immediately cooling you down. You sigh in content and look up at Jin, who is mindlessly looking in front of him while biting at his icecream as well. You notice he decided on a simple chocolate flavour, and you curse yourself for not thinking about that sooner.

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