{17} Kim Seokjin & Park Jimin

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~ Contains forms of anxiety ~

~ Contains forms of anxiety ~

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You sigh in frustration. Jimin was late from dance practice and Jin went grocery shopping a few hours ago. He never took that long, and you were starting to get really annoyed. Not with them but with yourself, you felt like they wanted to stay away from you. Call it stupid, but it was just your anxiety standing up again.

Although they always comforted you and told you they loved you more than anything and you didn't have to worry, you couldn't help but still feel this way. It's the just the way you are, unsure and needing to be reassured from time to time. Of course they didn't mind it and happily complied, but sometimes it looked like they forgot about you.

You stood up with a sigh and decided to spent time doing some chores around the house while waiting for them. Everything went normal, but after a few chores you started to feel the worry again. They still weren't home and it was getting pretty late already. You brushed your bangs back, letting them fall to your forehead again as you paced around the room, your thoughts consuming your mind.

What if they just want to be away from me?

What if I did something wrong?

What if I don't show them enough affection and they went to find someone better?

Your head stared to hurt so you leant your back against the wall, feeling the cold material through your shirt on your back.

What if they don't like me anymore?

What if I messed up everything?

You slowly let yourself slid down the wall until you were sitting on the floor. You pulled your knees up to your chin and wrapped your arms around them, holding them in place as you rest your forehead on your knees in a try to comfort yourself as much as you could.

I'm sure they don't like me anymore.

I'm sure they went to find someone better than me.

I messed up.

Tears started to form in your eyes. You didn't even try to fight them, knowing you'd fail in that no matter how hard you tried anyway.

I didn't love them enough.

I didn't give them enough affection.

Tears fell down on your cheek, staining your skin and falling down to your shirt. You continued crying, not bothering to wipe them away. You were so immersed in your thoughts you didn't hear the door open and softly close again after. You didn't hear the soft "Hello, I'm home." coming from the kitchen. You didn't hear the footsteps on the wooden floor, rushing towards you. You didn't notice them all until you felt a hand on your shoulder. You lifted your head to see who it was.

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