{55} Min Yoongi

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To say you were nervous was an understatement

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To say you were nervous was an understatement. You've been dating Yoongi for a while now, but you never went on an actual date. He was always really busy, and of course you respected that, but you couldn't deny that you felt lonely sometimes.

You had an argument about it last week, and Yoongi promised to take time off to take you somewhere. He could be here any minute, so you quickly rushed downstairs and put on your heels. You checked yourself in the mirror one last time, just as you heard a knock on the door.

You quickly opened the door, seeing Yoongi standing there with a suit on, a couple of roses in his hands.

"Hey." He smiles as he sees you standing in the doorway.

"Hey." You say back and open the door wider so he can walk inside. As he does, he gives you the flowers. "I bought these for you on my way here. The lady in the shop said you would like them after I explained how you were and all." He nervously chuckled.

"They are beautiful, Yoongi." You smile as you put the flowers in a vase with some water. He smiles as well and looks down for a few seconds. "I'm glad you like them. Shall we get going then?"

You nod and walk towards the door, grabbing your jacket from the hanger before walking outside. You let the door fall close behind you as you take Yoongi's hand, walking towards the car.

"You look really beautiful in that dress." He suddenly compliments you, making a blush creep onto your cheeks. "T-Thank you.. You too."

He chuckles and opens the door for you, closing it once you're seated on the soft chairs of his black Tesla. He quickly walks around the car and gets in behind the wheel, smiling at you before starting the car.


"Please follow me." The waiter says as he walks off to escort you to your table. Yoongi takes your hand in his as you walk past the other tables towards a small, romantic booth in the back of the restaurant.

The waiter smiles at you both before he walks off, leaving just the two of you. Yoongi motions for you to sit down as he holds the chair out for you, before sitting down himself.

You place your hands in your lap as you look at him folding his hands under his chin, resting his elbows on the table while also looking at you.

You blink a few times. "Hi."

Yoongi cheekily smiles back at you. "Hi."

"God, we're so awkward." You laugh as you cover your face with your hands. Yoongi chuckles as well and grabs a menu. "Can't disagree with that."

"But hey," You start while you grab a menu too. "Aren't all first dates awkward?"

He softly smiles as he eyes the menu. "I wanted to apologize for that."

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