{34} Kim Taehyung

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Helloo! Before we start.. Happy bday to meee! Sweet 16 ☺️💝 This birthday was one of the best I've ever had, and it's only getting better! My bestest friend Taegi_Exe is coming over to celebrateee! In fact, she could be here any minute! ♥️😍 I made this imagine for obvious reasons, so enjoyy 😊

 Happy bday to meee! Sweet 16 ☺️💝 This birthday was one of the best I've ever had, and it's only getting better! My bestest friend Taegi_Exe is coming over to celebrateee! In fact, she could be here any minute! ♥️😍 I made this imagine for obviou...

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"Can I look yet?"  You ask as you feel Taehyung's hands gently lead you to somewhere.

"No! You can't look yet, it'll ruin everything!"  He sternly says as he pushes you forwards, making you giggle and keep your hands over your eyes.

"But I want to know~"

"I know baby, but I worked so hard on this, I can't have you ruining your own surprise!"

You sighed. Today was your birthday, and Taehyung insisted on spending the day with you. He took a week off from work, just to prepare a surprise. He had been excited over it all day.

"You know I don't even need a surprise or present. Just a  'Happy birthday'  is enough for me, really."

"But I want to give you something, it's my girl her birthday, that's a big day!"  He lightly squeezed your shoulders and quickly pecks your neck, considering your cheeks were covered too by your hands.

It was quiet for a moment, until you bumped into something. You yelped as you felt your little toe burning.  "Ohmysweetholydays- TAE!!"  You yelled.

"I'm sorry. Sorry. Sorry!"  He chanted as he moved something out of the way, before turning you around.  "Keep your eyes on me, 'kay?"  He said. You nodded and felt his hands on yours, slowly pulling them away and looking at you with his boxy-smile.

"Okay it's really hard to keep my eyes on you, I wanna know!"  You pouted as you made puppy eyes.

"First I have a little speech."  He grinned before clearing his throat dramatically.

"I've known you for a while now, and I'm so happy to have you. You mean so much to me, and even though you don't want a present, I couldn't help but prepare something for you. You deserve a surprise, this is your day, your special day! That can't go by unnoticed!"

He smiled and pulled you in for a hug.  "I love you, baby."

"I love you too TaeTae."  You smiled brightly. He really was the sweetest. After a few second he pulled away and slowly turned you around. Your eyes widened when you saw what was in front of you.

You didn't realized he took you to the beach, as the only thing you saw was darkness most of the time. In the middle of the sand stood a little platform from wood, with on top of it a pile of blankets and some cushions. The sunset behind it gave it a nice and welcoming glow, as well as making it look angelic and relaxing.

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