{13} Min Yoongi

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"This will about do it

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"This will about do it." Yoongi opened the door to his studio with yet another cup of coffee in his hand. This was his fifth one already.

"When are you done, it's taking forever!" You whine as you lay upside down on the large couch in his studio, watching him walk to his desk and sitting down again.

"Mmm, I'm about halfway there." He mumbles as he puts on his headset again. You never sat up straight faster than you ever did before. "ONLY HALFWAY?! We've been here for hours!"

He ignores you as you whine. He continues to work on the new song he's producing together with Namjoon and Hoseok. You glare daggers into his back that's facing you, before standing up from the couch and walking over to the side of the desk, pulling the other rolling chair out. You roll it next to Yoongi and sit down, letting out a big sigh as you lay your head on his shoulder.

"I'm bored." You whine and play with the sleeves of your hoodie. Without looking away from the screen he grabs something and hands it over to you.

"A coloring book? I'm a mature woman!"

He snorts at that.

"So I'm a kid in your eyes?" You pout at him. Finally he looks at you. "When you pout like that? Yes. Yes I do think you're a kid." He says and adverts his gaze to the screen again, focusing on all the buttons and switches of the program.

"I'm not a kid." You drop the coloring book in your lap and cross your arms.

"You sure act like one." He chuckles.

"Well if you think I'm a kid I'll just go. You focus on that stupid song." You place the coloring book on the desk and stand up, walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" He turns his chair around, looking at you with furrowed eyebrows.

"It's not like you care for anything but that song, but I'm getting a drink." With that you slam the door shut behind you. You sigh and start walking towards the cafeteria of the building. You grab some apple juice and sit down at one of the tables. Staring at the surface of the table, you fidget with the bottle instead of opening it to actually drink its contents.

"Noona? Are you okay?"

You look up to see Jungkook walking towards you and sitting down on a chair across from you. "Yeah.. It's just that Yoongi thinks I'm a kid and just doesn't pay attention to me. He's working on that song for hours now, and he just forgets I even exist." You sigh.

"We both know that's not true, he really cares for you, Noona. But his music is also really important to him."

You sigh again and look down to your drink.

"Let's do something to cheer you up!" Jungkook jumps up and grabs your wrists. He pulls you up and starts running towards the dorms, the bottle of fruit juice left alone on the table.


"Your turn!" Taehyung yells as he plops back down in his seat and takes the water bottle Jin holds up for him. Jungkook had dragged you to the dorms to play a game of Just Dance with the rest of the boys. That is, excluded your moody boyfriend.

Hoseok skips over to you and grabs your arms, pulling you up towards the screen and picking a song. Your eyes land on I Love You from EXID. Probably Hoseok noticed it too, as he gasps and turns to you.

You make a drag queen pose. "I'm gonna do it way better than you Hobie, this was made for me."

"Oh really?" He raises an eyebrow. "You can never beat me in dance competitions you know that."

You scoff and start the song. "Watch me."

Hoseok and you dance side to side in attempt to beat the other. You have an advantage as you're a girl and have the curves you need to show during this dance, but that doesn't take the fact away that Hoseok has way more experience than you, and on top of that, is an amazing dancer.

The more you both dance, you notice he has more points. As the proud woman you are you refuse to let him win, so you let your hips roll slightly more and you make sure all your moves are neat and smooth.

When the song is almost at the end you're more goofing around than actually focusing on the dance. Just when Hoseok gives you a hug the door opens, revealing a grumpy Yoongi. When he sees Hoseok's arms around you his eyes darken.

"We're going home." He says lowly. You're still a bit mad at him so you don't give in easily. "Why? I'm sure you haven't finished your song yet."

"Doesn't matter, we're going home." He says and walks towards you. Hoseok notices he still has his arms round you, and removes them quickly, stepping a meter away from you. "Sorry, Hyung."

Yoongi ignores him and grabs your wrist rather harshly, pulling you with him towards the exit, leaving the boys confused and the game still playing, showing who won. Before you're out of the room you catch a glimpse of the points. You silently curse Hoseok his dance skills for beating you once again.

The whole ride back home was silent, and once you reach the house Yoongi grabs your wrist, pulling you with him again. He walks straight towards the bedroom, kicking off his shoes and pulling you towards the bed. He sits you down at the end and bends down, pulling your shoes off too. After that he walks towards the dresser and grabs a shirt, throwing it towards you.

"Change, we're going to sleep."

You raise your eyebrow. "You know I have my own shirt, right?"

"I don't care." He looks away. "You look better in my clothes."

You softly smile and wordlessly change into his shirt while he does the same. He walks towards you and pushes you down on the bed, climbing over you and falling down next to you. He then covers you both with the blankets and wraps his arms around your waist, burring his face in the crook of your neck.

"I'm sorry." He mutters. "You're not a kid, and you're way more important than that song, or any song for that matter. I'm sorry I let you feel like you aren't important enough or worthy of my attention." He brings his head back up to face you. "It's just that you become so cute when you're all pouty, and I know that when I look at you I won't be able to concentrate on the song anymore, and I don't want to disappoint ARMY's."

"Ahw Yoongi~" You smiled. "That's actually really sweet."

He smiles as well but then his gaze becomes hard again. "And why was Hoseok hugging you? You know I don't like it when someone else touches you."

"Yeah I know. We were just playing Just Dance but at the end we were just goofing around, and he just hugged me. And I'd feel bad for pushing him away or something since he's my friend."

He pouts and pulls you in closer, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "It's okay, doesn't really matter. And now I'm tired, so sleep." He closes his eyes. You smile and nuzzle into his chest, closing your eyes as well. His arms around you tighten a bit.

You're not mad at him anymore, you couldn't stay mad at this man next to you anyway. You soon feel yourself slip away into your thoughts as you fall asleep.

"I love you." You whisper when you're almost asleep.

"Love you too." He whispers back in his husky voice you fell in love with.

Goodnight ♥️♥️

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