{57} Kim Namjoon

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4984 words

This is one of the longest, if not THE longest imagine I ever wrote. With 4984 words 🥵
I haven't really been writing Namjoon imagines, sorry 🤧. But I'm planning on changing that 🙃.

You pouted as you hung your jacket back on the clothing hanger in the hallway

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You pouted as you hung your jacket back on the clothing hanger in the hallway. Today was supposed to be a fun day with your best friend, but it was cut short when you started feeling sick.

Your stomach did twist and turns and all you could think of was resting in bed. You kick your shoes off and walk into the kitchen, opening the fridge to grab something to drink first.

Your eyes land on some orange juice, which sounds perfect right about now. You reach out to the bottle and take it out of the fridge, leaning against the counter top as you open the cap of the bottle. While you take a few sips you close your eyes, feeling a light headache coming up.

You decide to ignore it as you slowly finish the juice, placing the empty bottle on the counter behind you. A sigh is heard as you brush your hands through your hair. Suddenly you feel your stomach acting up. You furrow your eyebrows and place your hands on your belly, before you realize you need to throw up.

You quickly rush to the bathroom, ignoring the sting in your knees as you let yourself fall onto them, and hold your hair back in a messy ponytail. Soon you let everything you ate that day into the toilet, feeling it leave a burning sensation and your troath and a horrible taste in your mouth.

You pant as you flush the toilet before you crawl over to the sink and lean back against it. You sit there for a few minutes, just thinking about why you got sick all of the sudden.

You always made sure you ate enough healthy foods, drank enough water, and you often took walks through the park. You were sure your immunity was high. You reached over to the backpocket of your jeans and took out your phone. You needed to know what this was.

After spending some time on the amazing worldwide web you had some options as to why you had gotten sick so suddenly.

It could be food poisoning, which could be from expired food. It was possible because you ordered takeout at a not so fancy restaurant yesterday night.

It could also be from the stress. You had been under a lot of pressure because of work lately, so you wouldn't be suprised if that indeed, was the cause of it.

The third and last option was the possibility that you were maybe.. pregnant. But you highly doubted it. Namjoon and you were always carefull, and when you were out of condoms, or it broke, you always made sure to get the day after pill.

You didn't know which one of the three options it could be, but you knew you could test at least one of them. You quickly dialed the number of your friend, who luckily picked up the call at the second ring.

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