{85} Min Yoongi

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After a THOUSAND years I finally managed to do something at my sport I'm working on for three years already, I'm so happy 🥺

My friend and I absolutely adore the jacket thingy so I put it in this imagine :)

"Oh look! Isn't it cute?"  You asked excitedly, pointing at a small stuffed animal through the window of the shop

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"Oh look! Isn't it cute?"  You asked excitedly, pointing at a small stuffed animal through the window of the shop. Yoongi eyed the fluffy lion up and down.  "Meh."  He shrugged.

"You're heartless, Yoongi." You sighed and turned around, continuing to walk ahead. Yoongi nodded to himself and walked after you, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jeans.  "I guess."

You shook your head and waited for him to catch up, linking your arm with his when he did. The weather promised to be nice this morning, and you thought it would be nice if you and Yoongi went out. There was a market in the city this week so you conviced him to go with you.

A small stall caught your eye, and you gently tugged on his arm, looking up at him and smiling cutely. He looked down at you, a sigh leaving his lips.  "If you want to go there, go ahead. No need to ask for my permission."

You smiled and dragged him with you to the blue and red stall in front of a small shop. Many colourful bracelets were laid out over the table in all sizes and with different charms on each of them. Your eyes roamed over the pieces of jewellery until you saw one you liked. A cute baby blue one with sparkles and a small heart.

"That one's cute." You said to Yoongi, pointing to the one you meant and looking up at him. His gaze followed to where you were pointing and he smiled.  "It looks like something you'd wear, yeah."

You reached for it and opened the small lock to try it on. When you were struggling Yoongi took your wrist in his hands and fastened it for you.

"It looks pretty on you." He complimented, his gums on show as he smiled. You looked at it with doe eyes.  "It does, doesn't it?"

While you were admiring the cute bracelet Yoongi fetched his wallet from his pocket, asking the lady behind the table how much it was. When you noticed you quickly grabbed his arm to stop him.  "W-Wait no I can pay for it myself, you don't have to-"

"Don't be silly."  Yoongi said, cutting you off.  "Just look pretty and let me pay for you, yeah?"

You blinked up at him, the lady behind the counter chuckling softly at the both of you.  "You two are a cute couple."  She smiled as she took the money Yoongi handed her.

He lookdd back at her and smiled.  "Thank you ma'am."

The woman put the box the bracelet was in in a cute pink colored little bag.  "He's a keeper."  She softly said as she handed it to you, no intention on keeping her voice low enough so the male beside you couldn't hear. You felt a smile form on your lips as you bowed politely.  "Thank you." You thanked her, before tugging Yoongi away from the stall.

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