{16} Kim Taehyung

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You open the door to your apartment, exhausted

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You open the door to your apartment, exhausted. You throw your bag somewhere on the ground and kick off your shoes, heading straight for your room. You've been at work all day, and your boss wasn't going easy on you as you were the only female agent on the team. Despite all that you were happy with your job at the police station.

You quickly change into comfy shorts and a shirt and duck into your bed. You make yourself comfortable, and just when you're about to close your eyes to sleep... your phone rings. And you left it in your bag. The same bag you left downstairs. Of course. You groan as you throw the blankets off of you and run downstairs.

"Yes yes I'm here stop making noise!" You yell annoyed as you quickly open your bag and grab your phone. You press the green button to accept the call and hold the phone up to your ear.


"Hi." You hear the person grin on the other side of the line.

"Tae? Why are you calling me this late, it's like, 1AM." You answer after a quick glance to the clock hanging on the wall in the living room.

"Sorry~, it's just that I can't sleep. Can I come over?"

"Tae I'm really tired, just hug your pillow."

"But it's not the same!" He whines. Over the time you have been together Taehyung got more and more used to curling up to you at night while he was asleep instead of a pillow. It got to the point where he really couldn't sleep without you anymore. And when you're not there like now, he'll simply call you, no matter what time it was.

You bring your hand up to your face and brush your fingers through your hair. "Fine, but be quick! I wanna sleep."

"Ah really?! I'll be there as soon as I can be! Bye bye!" He says in his cute voice and ends the call. You shake you head and let yourself fall down on the couch to wait for him.


You slowly wake up when you feel someone poking your cheek. You open your eyes and find yourself laying on the couch, a slightly pouting Taehyung in front of you. You sit up a little and rub your eyes.

"You're adorable when you sleep." Taehyung smiles. You scoff at his comment and sit up. "Yeah right."

"It's true!" He pouts.

"Fine, I'm cute when I'm asleep, happy? I don't have the energy to argue about something." You say, followed with a yawn.

"Very happy." He smiles before picking you up bridal style and walking to your bedroom. "Let's go to sleep."

"I was already asleep, why did you wake me up?" You whine and hit his chest gently. He pouts. "Because I need you to cuddle with, and the couch doesn't fit both of us."

You sigh and let him carry you all the way upstairs to your room. He softly plopped you on the bed and quickly walked over to the drawer to get one of his shirts he kept at your place to change into for the night. When he's done he gets in next to you and hugs you closer.

"You know," You start. "I still think you're cuter than me when you're asleep."

He fakes a cute gasp. "No way, you're the adorable one here!"

"Tae have you seen your sleeping face? It's so squishy and handsome and I just want to poke your cheeks."

"Why do you think I was poking your cheek just now?" He says as he pinches your nose. "Don't bother, you'll always be the adorable one of us." He quickly kisses you.

"Whatever." You chuckle and roll your eyes as a silence falls in the room.

After a few moments Taehyung breaks the silence. "What do you say we go on a vacation?"

You look up to him. "And where would we go?"

"Anywhere you want." He smiles. "Everywhere with you is fine with me."

"Then we'll go to a warm country, I miss the beach."

"Great! And we'll have a fancy dinner every night, and I'll take you to the sunsets, and we'll have lots of fun!" He excitedly says and hugs you tighter against his chest.

You giggle. "Deal." You say as you bury your face into his chest.

"I love you." Taehyung whispers as he kisses the top of your head. You smile and close your eyes. "I love you too TaeTae."

You're happy you agreed on him coming over, as you now have the warmth and comfort of his loving arms. You close your eyes as you think about the vacation you're going on with Tae, even though you have no idea if you can get a few weeks off from your work for it.

You slowly drift away as you think about where you want to go together with Taehyung. Just when you're about so fall asleep you feel him hugging you a bit more tighter.

Goodnight ♥️♥️

BTS Soft Sleep Imagines [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu