{12} Park Jimin

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"Jimin! Get your ass downstairs real quick!" You yell as you stand at the bottom of the stairs, clutching a phone in your hands

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"Jimin! Get your ass downstairs real quick!" You yell as you stand at the bottom of the stairs, clutching a phone in your hands.

"What? Did something happen?!" He yells back and you hear him run out of your shared bedroom.

"You can say so, yeah.." You mutter as you walk back to the livingroom. You sit down on the couch, resting your hands on your lap as you wait for him to get downstairs.

"I'm here, hey. What's wrong?" He asks.

"Am I a joke to you, Jimin?" You ask him, not looking up from the phone in your hands.

"What?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"You heard me. Am I a joke to you?" You finally look up to him, tears pricking behind your eyes.

"What? No of course you're not a joke to me, princess." He says as he slowly walks towards you.

"Don't. D-Don't call me that, I'm not your princess." You swallow hard as a tear rolls down your cheek.

"A-Are you crying? What's wrong?" He sits down next to you and wants to wrap his arm around you, but you push his arm away and stand up, away from him, which makes him look at you in utter confusion.


"Look!!" You interrupt him and throw his phone into his lap. "Look for yourself Jimin!"

He stares at you for a second and then hesitantly grabs his phone. You turn away from him as he scrolls through the messages you had read. You hear him gasp and close your eyes tightly as more tears want to fall out.

"Princess, this isn't-" He lets out a soft chuckle. "It's not what it looks like, I promise!"

You hear him stand up and walk towards you.

"Did those words ever ease someone's mind?" You ask him, not turning around.

"Princess, I promise it's not what it loo-"

As soon as you feel his hand on your shoulder you turn around and smack it away, giving him an angry glare. His eyes widen a bit and he freezes for a moment.

"Not what it looks like?! Jimin how is, 'just come to my office next Wednesday she doesn't need to know' not what it looks like?!" Your voice cracks.

He opens his mouth to say something, but he doesn't seem to get the right words so he seals his lips back to each other again.

"Just how can you do this to me?" You add softly, tears streaming down your face in a non-stopping waterfall and our voice cracks a bit.

"Princess... Please let me explain.." His gaze is soft as he places his phone in his pocket, his eyes never leaving yours. The only thing you can do is sniffle as he pulls you towards the couch to sit on it again. He takes your hand and begins to run his fingers on the back of you hand.

"Listen. The one who sent that message was my mother. That's why her name is saved as Queen💕 in my contacts. And, the reason I asked her if she could come next Wednesday... Well it was supposed to be a surprise.. But.."

He pauses and looks in your eyes, bringing your hand to his lips and kissing it softly. He smiles at you and goes back to rubbing circles on your hand. You're trying to understand it, or say something. But no words come out as he continues.

"I left something back at home in Busan. And since she's going to pay a visit here for her work, I asked her to bring it to me. It's something for you, you told me you've always wanted one when you were a kid." He chuckles and looks at you.

"I wanted to surprise you. I'm sorry you got the wrong idea, and I'm sorry for making you cry.." He hesitates.

"Go on.." You say softly. "Say it." You sniffle and smile. He grins widely. "My princess."

You lean in for a hug and hit his chest, closing your eyes. "I hate you Park Jimin." You sniffle again. "But I'm glad you're my prince."

You feel him laugh and kiss the top of your head. "I would never ever, ever cheat on you. Even if we were millions of kilometres apart and I was surrounded by beautiful woman. You'll always be my princess and nothing can change that." He hugs you a bit tighter. "Nothing." He adds in a whisper.

You begin to feel a bit drowsy. All that crying and worrying sure takes a toll on your body at some point.

"Chim.. tired." You mutter. He always has a weak spot for you when you say it like that.

"Is my cute little princess tired?"

You nod. He chuckles as he moves your body to place you on his lap, your head on his chest. He lays his hands on you hips and begin to draw little patterns. You take in his scent, and exhale, feeling relaxed. And above all that, happy. You know you can get a bit over dramatic, but that's just because you care so much for this angel. He begins to hum, knowing you always get really tired when he does.

When you're almost asleep you feel Jimin move, carefully moving your arms so that they're around his neck. He stands up and carries you towards the bedroom. He softly lays you down on the bed and tucks you in. You whine softly as his hands leave your waist.

"One second princess." He chuckles and walks to the closet to change. You're already in your sleepwear as a result from a lazy movie spending day at home. A few seconds later you feel the bed move, and a warm body pressing against yours. You move back, feeling Jimin grin at you and wrap his arms around your body, hugging you tightly.

"I love you princess. For ever and always." He presses a kiss to the back of your head.

"Love you too." You whisper and snuggle into his embrace.

You feel yourself slowly drift away, and you fall asleep by the sound of a "Sleep well baby girl." from Jimin, and the feeling of his hot breath against the back of your neck.

Goodnight ♥️♥️

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