{44} Min Yoongi

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Communication is key mwah mwah

Communication is key mwah mwah

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"Just drop it, Yoongi." You said, a little bit irritated by his attitude. He had decided to surprise you so he picked you up from work, but he saw you and your coworker, Woozi, talking and now he got the wrong idea.

Woozi and you have been coworkers since the very beginning, as you started working there around the same time, and you got along pretty quickly. You both loved coffee, so every morning before you actually started with your work, you had coffee with him in the cafeteria of the building.

Other than that Woozi and you were assigned for many things for work, like projects or just some regular paperwork. During the three years you worked there you became really close friends, and nothing more than that. But of course, someone didn't see it that way.

Yoongi scoffs. "I just don't understand you sometimes." He replies as he drives. "I know you've been working late and you hate driving in the dark, so I decide to surprise you and come pick you up. Only to find out you've been seeing that other guy for who knows how long!"

"Yoongi it's not like that! We're just friends!"

"Yeah right. You don't touch his arm like that when you're 'just friends' with him."

You sigh heavily. Yoongi wasn't the type to let things bother him so easily, and right now he was acting really childish.

"So what if I enjoy being with him? You have fun too with other people than me, right?"

"Yeah but they are guys! I don't go around flirting with other girls!"

You turn your head to look at him in disbelieve. "You really think I was flirting with him?"

He doesn't respond. The only thing he does is looking at the road in front of him, his knuckles slightly turning white from how hard he was gripping the steering wheel.

"Unbelievable." You scoff and look out of the window again. "I can't believe you really think I'd flirt with someone else."

"You were literally clinging onto his arm, how can I not think that?!" He says, raising his voice a little.

"That's because we're friends! That's what three years of working together does!"

Yoongi looks at you for a moment before looking back at the road. "So this has been going on for three years already? And you didn't even think about telling me?!"

"I did tell you!" You yell back, tired of his behavior. "But you were too busy with your own things to even realize I was talking to you!" You raised your voice as well, feeling sadness and anger rushing through your veins.

"You could've at least made sure I was actually listening to you!"

"I shouldn't have to fight for you attention, Yoongi. We're in a damn relationship!" You say, tears forming behind your eyes. Did he really want you to make sure he was listening to you? Did he really care so little about your words?

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