{97} Min Yoongi ~ Request

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This imagine was requested by kpop_girl200
I actually really liked this idea. I told my friends and they were saying it was a cute concept and I honestly think the same way, it's adorable.
I hope you like the outcome of it ♥️

Also there was no update in a while because I've kinda been spending my time working on something big and you should be really hyped for it because it's gonna be one of my best works yet 🤭✍🏻

The summary I got was: 'can you do an imagine where Yoongi is really stressed coming home from work so y/n scratched his back for him which makes him become super soft?'

The summary I got was: 'can you do an imagine where Yoongi is really stressed coming home from work so y/n scratched his back for him which makes him become super soft?'

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Hearing the sound of keys in a lock had you looking up from your phone. The door opened and revealed a tired looking Yoongi who came walking into the apartment.

"I'm back." He mumbled, dropping his keys om the table next to the door and shimmying off his coat. You smiled softly and swiped the music app on your phone away, pulling your headset with cat ears off. You had gotten it from Yoongi for your birthday, he told you you looked cute with them.  "Welcome home."

He nodded and inhaled, sighing deeply afterwards. He went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Are you tired?" You asked as you watched him get out a bottle of water. Yoongi nodded and walked up to you. "Night." He said huskily and leant down to press a kiss to your lips. You smiled into it and cupped his cheek, patting it a few times affectionately. "Sleep well."

You watched him take his leave and when he was out of the room and the door clicked shut behind him you turned your gaze back to your phone. It was your free weekend this week and you had slept throughout most of the morning so you were far from tired.

The minutes passed by as you just texted with your best friend, talking about the new music video of your favorite group which came out yesterday and checking your social media. There were some dating rumors but nothing too out of the extraordinary.

When you caught a glimpse of the little clock in the left corner of your phone you realized you had been sitting there longer than you had originally planned. You grabbed your colorful headset from the couch next to you and stood up. You placed it neatly on the stand where you kept it.

When you wanted to turn off the lights and follow your husband to bed, you noticed his bag standing at the door. You frowned, knowing he must need that for tomorrow and he would get stressed out if he couldn't find it.

You walked up to it and bend down to grab it, swinging it over your shoulder and reached for the light to switch it off. In the now dark room you made your way to the door and quietly closed it behind you, not wanting to wake the sleeping man up.

BTS Soft Sleep Imagines [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu