{20} Kim Namjoon

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~ !Slight use of medication in a wrong way! ~

~ !Slight use of medication in a wrong way! ~

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You ran.

You ran back home.

You've had an incredibly worse day at work, and all you wanted was to get home as soon as possible, duck into bed and forget it all.

You ran as quick as you could, your legs burning as you denied the tears from flowing down your cheeks.

'This day can't possibly get any worse..' You thought as you ran past the little river.

You thought wrong.

Because of the snow that was falling the road was a little slippery. You tripped over and fell. You laid for a few seconds before hitting the ground with your fist and letting the tears fall out as you stood back up. You continued walking instead of running.

'I hate this day' Your walking soon turned into running again as soon as you were sure it was safe enough. Finally you reached your apartment. You quickly unlocked the door and kicked your shoes off, throwing your bag to the floor as you let yourself fall down on the couch, tears spilling out of your eyes. You laid there for a few minutes before sitting up and wiping away the tears. You stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"Hot chocolate." You muttered. Your hands were still freezing cold, and a cup of hot chocolate never failed to fix that. Before you were able to take a sip from your chocolate, you heard a ping-like sound coming from your bag. You walked over and grabbed your phone from the front pocket.

Hey baby, just wanting to say hey 😊 How's work going?

You sniffed as you quickly wrote a reply.

Baby girl🥰
I'm quitting my job, I hate it.

Namjoon was quick to reply, as always, being the true sweetheart he is.

What? Why? Do you need a hug? 🤧

You sniffed again as you sadly chuckled.

Baby girl🥰
You don't have to Joon, it's okay.

This time his reply was a little later.

Too late, already walking down the hallway to the elevator. Be there in 10 ♥️

He was honestly the best. You sighed and walked back over to your unfinished cup of chocolate. You were still crying a bit and stressing over what happened at your work. You knew you had some of the medication left from when you were in a really, really stressful period in your life, but you also knew they made you emotional, clingy, tired as hell, and gave you bad headaches.

'Might as well help now.' You stood on your toes to reach the cabinet. It took a few seconds but finally you reached it.

'Five left.' You thought as you examined the little bottle. You got out two of them and let them fall into your half cup of chocolate. You wiped a few stained tears away as you made sure they were all turned into powder before sipping at the drink. The taste didn't really change from it, so you quickly drank all of it before you changed your mind.

You turned around and jumped up to sit on the kitchen island. You looked at your phone, which had no new messages. You sighed and scrolled through your Instagram a bit. After five minutes you still felt down and you were still thinking about the day. You let out a groan and filled the empty cup with water, before swallowing the other three little capsules as well.

You knew it was really bad for you and you'd regret it later, but at that moment you didn't care anymore. You threw the empty bottle away and walked over to the couch. You plopped down and put your head in you hands, having a major headache.

'Can this day just end already..' You thought as you heard the faint sound of the door being opened.

"Hello? I'm here, hi!" Namjoon looked around the room before spotting you. "Are you okay?" He asked as he walked over and sat down next to you. You nodded your head, leaning into his arms.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked. You shook your head. "Tired."

He chuckled. "It's not even noon yet."

You looked up to him. "So? I don't care."

He chuckled again. "You have to tell me what happened eventually though, I can't stand to see you sad." He pouted, which made you sigh. "I will.. Just.. Later okay? Just cuddle now." You said as you pushed his arms away and straddled his lap. He smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"I'm always in for cuddles." He said as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"Love you Joonie." You said as you snuggled into his chest.

"I love you too baby." He whispered back as he rested his cheek on top of your head.


You felt something moving. Something was going up and down, but soon it just stayed at the same height level. You tried to come up with something that it could be, but you couldn't think of anything. When you felt something hit your head you fluttered your eyes open, looking straight into the beautiful orbs of your boyfriend.

"Oh, did I wake you up? I'm sorry. You fell asleep on top of me so I just wanted to put you to bed." Namjoon pouted as he hovered over you, his left hand under your head to support you and his right hand on your waist.

"N-No, it's okay." Your voice was hoarse from the sleep. He smiled and let go of you.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight baby." He pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"Can you.. Can you stay? I don't want to be alone now.." You pleaded as you grabbed his wrist.

He sighed. "I'm so gonna get scolded by Yoongi for this.." He grabbed his phone and typed a quick message. You chuckled as he put his phone away and grabbed one of his shirts he left here to wear for these occasions. You often asked him to stay over when he was at your place, so one time he just left some shirts so he didn't have to go back to the dorms to get them.

Once he finished changing he slipped in beside you under the duvet. You rolled over to face him and cuddled him close. He smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you even closer.

"Thank you." You muttered into his shirt.

"Anything for you princess." He pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"I love you, so much." You pecked his neck. He hugged you a bit tighter. "I love you too baby."

You sighed contently and nuzzled your nose into the crook of his neck, closing your eyes. You could still smell the sweet scent on the shirt from when it was washed. Together with Namjoon's natural scent, it really calmed you, and you slowly drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

Goodnight ♥️♥️

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