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Literally, the second I posted the first thingy I got three requests xD

This was suggested by GalaxyChan6 so ye!

~Sabre's POV~

Galaxy Steve summons all the ice over the river, making it more of a ice skating rink now. "Woah!" I explain loudly and hike down the mountain I've been standing on and step onto the thick layer of ice. It doesn't even crumble and break under my weight as I step onto it and look down, looking at the fish swimming peacefully under the ice. 

"Man, this is awesome! How are you feeling?" I ask as Galaxy Steve flies down to my level. "A little dizzy... But I'm okay!" he explains as he lands down on the ice as well. When the ice doesn't crumble under both of our weight, I look around in awe; my eyes then landing on Galaxy Steve. 

Both my eyes and his yellow ones meet evenly, although I have my bandana covering mine, and I feel a soft breeze blow by us; messing up Galaxy Steve's blue and purple hair. The wind also blows my hood of my chicken suit off of my head, revealing my brown hair. A soft blush slowly forces itself onto my face, and immediately after I see a darker pink blush dance across Galaxy Steve's face as well. 

Galaxy Steve puts his hands into the pockets of his galaxy colored hoodie, and I start to realize recently all the times I've blushed whenever Galaxy Steve is around me. When he was making the house and I was making the bunker, I would occasionally take small glances and look at him. Then there is when he was fishing and I was subconsciously watching him from what I was working on each day before I started up the recordings. 

I pause the recording and then step a few steps closer to Galaxy Steve. His blush grows darker and darker with each step I take, until soon me and him are standing a few feet from one another. 

His breathing quickens and fans across my face as we stand a few inches away from one another. I don't close the distance, not yet at least; instead I just listen to his ragged, racing breath. 

~Galaxy Steve's POV~

As soon as I stop feeling dizzy, I see Sabre standing directly in front of me; inches away. Our noses are almost touching, and I feel my breathing quicken. 

Then, without thinking, my arms wrap around his waist and then I close the gap with a kiss. Immediately, Sabre kisses me back; our lips pushing against one another and working together in sync. 

We pull away at the same time, and I'm left breathless. His breathing is quicker than it was before, and I look at his plain bandana. He looks down, and his hands rise up and start to untie the bandana knot in the back. 

I quietly gasp as the fabric comes undone, falling off and revealing his forest green eyes. I look into his eyes and smile softly, and kiss him softly. The kiss only lasts a few seconds, but afterwards I grab his hands in mine and look into his green eyes. 

"I l-love you," I stutter out and he giggles softly. 

"Y'know, I think this is a good reward for being able to change the river to ice, don't you agree?" Sabre breathes out and I blush softly. Slowly, I nod and he hugs me. "I love you too, Galaxy Steve. Now, let's continue to get you used to your powers," Sabre says and grabs my hand, pulling me towards the plains area. 

He starts up the recording again, and we go on as if nothing happened, but occasionally I see Sabre taking glances at me once again; like he did before


Alright, done! I'll work on the others in the morning, 

I'm a little tired from hardly sleeping last night, and I just took some NyQuil so I'm going to be going to bed pretty soon

666 words XD

666 words XD

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