FavreMyRainbow <Part Two>

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I wanted to be a noice hooman for once and not kill people of this thing called killing characters off--

~Rainbow Steve's POV~

I shoot up from my bed, beads of sweat rushing down my face. I put my hand against my forehead, my head feeling hot. I look over to my side, seeing Sabre sitting beside my bed, holding my other hand. I blush brightly, seeing he fell asleep like that. "Sabre..?" I whisper, needing the reassurance that he's okay.

When he doesn't answer, I press on and gently shake him to try and wake him up. He groans softly, slowly waking up. I sigh in relief, smiling weakly at him. "I see your up..." Sabre says softly, yawning. I blush slightly, nodding. 

"I-I had... a nightmare.." I say softly, and Sabre hugs me softly. "Shhh... it's okay..." he says, and I cry softly on his shoulder. 

"Do you want to talk about it..?" he asks me, and I nod slowly. "Me and you had to fight against all the bad guys we fought before, at the same time. We both were doing good, and we got down to one person left. Plague Steve..." I whisper, and he looks up at me. 

"What happened?" Sabre asks me, and I just want to sob from thinking about it. "We were fighting him, and we were doing good... then, I god distracted... You saved me, but ended up getting killed..." I say, shaking from the memory. He sits down on the bed, hugging me gently and repeating things in my ear to calm me down.

"Shhh... it's okay... I'm here, it was just a nightmare..." he whispers, and I look up at him. 

"Promise me you won't let anything bad happen to you..?" I ask, and he smiles softly. His hand cups my cheek, and he leans down and kisses me softly. 

"I promise..." he whispers as soon as he pulls away from the kiss. I blush softly, still hugging him tight. 

"Can you sleep with me tonight..?" I ask, blushing even more. (No, not in that way, dirty minded hoomans--) He smiles softly, nodding. 

"Sabre..?" I say as we both lay down in the bed, smiling weakly. "Yeah, Rainbow Steve?" 

"I-I love you..." I whisper, and he grins. He kisses my forehead softly, smiling. 

"I love you too, Rainbow Steve."

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