VoidSabre (Part 2)

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Jellyizhere was the first one who asked for this after I posted the other one, and yeah! 

Head's up, in the process of writing this, I cried. Don't know if that's me being a sensitive person or not, but look out for those onions. 

~Galaxy Steve's POV~

Lightning starts summoning itself on the trap, and I rush over to it. "No, no, no.. Time can't be up already!"I rush over to the closest window, my hair getting all in my face as I fight back the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. 

When I look through the window, I feel my heart shatter into a million pieces. 

Inside the trap, both Sabre and Void Steve lay on the ground, not moving at all. The tears force their way out, and I let them sob. I scream in defeat, and I collapse on my knees in sobs. I bury my head into my hands as I continue to cry, not caring how I might look or what all could happen to me. 

I go back to the bunker, and turn the machine off. Slowly, I make my way back to where the machine is, and look into the open door. Sabre and Void Steve both are close to one another, seeming to be pretty close before their death. I bite down my bottom lip, choking back the sobs I was letting free moments ago. 

I step in the room, through the now-open iron door, and slowly walk in more. On the side, a book and quill lays on the ground, and Sabre's bandana is on top of it. I slowly walk over and pick up both the book and the bandana, a few tears roll down my cheek. I open the book, and read it carefully.

My breath hitches, and I instantly realize it's from Sabre.

Dear Galaxy Steve,

I was just destroyed, wasn't I? That's why you're reading this.. Look, I realized something while being locked in this room with Void Steve: he isn't actually a bad guy. We thought so, but in reality, he actually was telling us the truth all along.

Now, don't be sad that I'm gone. I don't want my death to go down in vain. I want you to find Rainbow Steve, and I want you two to go on a bunch of adventures with one another. Promise me that, please?

Before I was destroyed, I was happy. I am happy up to the second I left the world. Don't worry, it wasn't painful; thanks to Void Steve.

I want you to know something..

I'm going to miss both you, Rainbow Steve, Purple Steve, and all the other Steve's I became friends with throughout my journeys. But I want you all to keep smiling, and not be sad about me leaving.

I want you to keep saving the world; both you and Rainbow Steve.

I pause from reading; not fighting the tears back anymore. I keep reading, even though the next part is clearly for Rainbow Steve. 

Now, for Rainbow Steve,

Buddy, I know you left me, and I know you probably hate me; but I still am going to miss being able to be with you. I am going to miss being able to go on adventures with you and all the other Steve's. But don't forget those memories, write them down in a journal; in case anything ever happens.

Like I said to Galaxy Steve, keep smiling. All I want is you two to be happy...


I close the book, and hold it tight to my body. I wrap the bandana around my wrist, and then tie it so it will stay there on my wrist. (Aphmau MCD reference?? Or me being my idiotic self, seeing as I do that with a cat collar)

 (Aphmau MCD reference?? Or me being my idiotic self, seeing as I do that with a cat collar)

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(Don't question my GalBow bracelets-- I mean, what? Anyway, continue reading finally)

I walk over to Sabre, and slowly roll him over to where he's on his back. His eyes are closed, and his chest isn't rising from him breathing. I bite back the tears, and slowly pick up Sabre. I bring him out of the machine trap, and gently place him on the grassy ground. Suddenly, a bunch of lightning goes off near me, and I just shield Sabre from the lightning with my body. 

Rainbow Steve comes flying over, fierce look on his face. "Void Steve," he calls, over and over again. Soon, he spots me, and his fierce look turns to more of a sneer. "Why are you here, Galaxy Steve?" Rainbow Steve asks, seeming to be in complete disgust. I just hand him the book, and he slowly opens it. 

~Rainbow Steve's POV~

I look at the book that Galaxy Steve handed me, and I already fear for what it says. I skim through until I find my name, and I read that part. 

'Now, for Rainbow Steve,

Buddy, I know you left me, and I know you probably hate me; but I still am going to miss being able to be with you. I am going to miss being able to go on adventures with you and all the other Steve's. But don't forget those memories, write them down in a journal; in case anything ever happens.

Like I said to Galaxy Steve, keep smiling. All I want is you two to be happy...


My tears burn my own eyes, and I look at Galaxy Steve in concern. "Is he... Dead..?" I ask, uncertainty filling my words. He nods slowly, and then steps out of the way; showing Sabre lying lifeless on the ground behind him. 

Tears continue to fall from my eyes, and I kneel down to be at the same level as Sabre's lifeless self. His brown hair is ruffled up, and he still has a smile on his pure face. He's not wearing his bandana, but his eyes are shut. I brush some of his hair out from in front of his face, and look at him through my blurred vision, do to all the tears. 

"Void Steve's... dead too.." Galaxy Steve says, and I look up at him in complete uncertainty. He nods, and then motions for me to follow him. I slowly get up, and follow Galaxy Steve to a house with an iron door, that's opened, and Void Steve is lying on the cold hard, wood floor. Rage boils inside me, and I turn around to charge at Galaxy Steve. 


I might make a full on fanfic based on this storyline, who knows. Not anytime soon though, that'd be too many books at once in my opinion. Sorry about this cliffhanger, I wanted to be mean for once; nah, I'm always mean but,

~KoOkIe CoOkIe

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