FavreMyNightmare / FavreMyYellow

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I am in a extremely good mood right now, so let's get into this! This is kinda two, but meh. The FavreMyNightmare part was suggested by LoveBug515 and the FavreMyYellow part was suggested by PappyWritesBooks. Hitting two birds with one stone, right?

~Sabre's POV~

Galaxy Steve used all his powers to get Rainbow Steve back. I sigh, picking up the pieces of the machine that are left. Both Galaxy Steve and Rainbow Steve are weak, making it hard to do much anything before having to take a break. Suddenly, lightning comes in a bunch of bursts, and after so long some yellow flashes go flying by. 

Then, Nightmare Steve is there, not being Yellow Steve anymore, and his eyes are fixed on me. Balls of fire hover in his hands, anger burning in his eyes, and he looks like he's about to shoot the fire at Rainbow Steve and Galaxy Steve. "No! Don't hurt them!" I shout at the top of my lungs. Nightmare Steve looks down at me, smirking. 

"What are you going to do to stop me?" he asks, making the fire disappear. "P-Please... you can do whatever you want to me... but don't hurt them..." I beg, falling to my knees. Nightmare Steve actually seems to think about it, before he just flies down and picks me up. 

He flies off, holding me against his muscular body, flying away from where me, Rainbow Steve and Galaxy Steve had a camp set up at. I bury my face against his chest, trying to shield myself from the wind. 

After so long of flying, he lands on the ground and then places me on the ground. Then, lightning spawns on top of him, and he turns back to Yellow Steve. I feel a blush slowly creep up onto my face, but I tamed it down enough before he noticed. 

Then, something unexpected happened. 

He kissed me.

I kiss him back immediately afterwards, loving the feeling of our lips against one another's. For a short period of time the kiss lasts, before he pulls away. 

"That's what I want," he says simply and then kisses my forehead. Before I can even respond, he summons teleportation lightning on me, and I get teleported back to where Rainbow Steve and Galaxy Steve are frantically looking around. "Sabre!" they both shout, wrapping their arms tight around me for a bear hug. 

I hug them back, still unable to pull my mind out of what happened moments ago. Was Nightmare Steve-- er, Yellow Steve, sincere with that kiss? Or was it just him toying with my emotions?


I am happy todayyyyyyyy :D Yesterday, by the end, went amazing, and yeah!

~KoOkIe CoOkIe

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