ThePositiveSpike <Part Two>

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I just realized I never did the part two I said I was gonna do-- Part one requested by XxRoboticLauncherxX

~Positive Steve's POV~

"Come on Positive, we destroyed the Green Steve, our mission is done," my brother says and I slowly pull my eyes away from the man wearing the red hat. Together, me and Negative Steve teleport away from the one server and back onto the one that is owned by the man in the chicken suit.


We both teleport back to the chicken man's server, and my brother looks at me. "Positive, why were you staring at the one player?" Negative Steve asks me, and I bite my bottom lip. Dang it... he noticed.. I think to myself, but shrug. 

"I didn't notice I was," I lie, and Negative Steve doesn't seem to believe it. 

"Sure...." he says, turning around. I sigh in relief as he gives up, and I just sit down against a nearby tree. "Why am I feeling this way towards a player? Lucas... that's his name..." I say softly as soon as my brother is out of range to hear me. 

I continue to sit against the tree, trying to figure things out. 

~Lucas' POV~

Me and Sabre eventually decided to go to his server after what happened with... Green Steve... 

We both get on his server, and the rainbow wings on his back move slightly from the breeze. "I'm going to go for a walk... for fresh air..." I say and Sabre nods. I walk off towards the entrance of the Rainbow Town. I leave, walking out into the forest that is immediately outside of the town and then just aimlessly walking around there. 

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see Positive Steve resting against a tree, seeming too lost in thought to even sense I'm here. I get an idea, and I sneak through the trees until I'm at the other side of the tree he's resting on.

Then, I jump out and pin him against the tree, and he blushes brightly. "L-Lucas!" he stutters out. Wait, he can talk?! I mentally scream, and I can't help but blush as well. 

I'm clearly not thinking, but I do something I've wanted to do for a while. 

I kiss him. 

He freezes up for a moment, but soon he kisses me back. It's rough, yet passionate, and I love it. 

I love him. 

It doesn't last long, sadly, but I loved the feeling. "Lucas... I..." he starts, and then bites his bottom lip. 

"I-I'm sorry, Positive Steve... I just... I love you..." I say fast, and he smiles before booping my nose. 

"I love you too, Lucas!" he says with a giggle. I blush, smiling brightly before kissing him again. 

Extra 'cause Ye-

Le' Sabre decided to go looking for Lucas, seeing as he's been gone for a while. Soon, he eventually finds him, seeing Lucas and Positive Steve, one of their enemies, kissing under a tree. 


i'M hOmE aLoNe AaAaAaAaAaH-

Cookie Da' Queen~

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