
665 22 40

Requested by @Gurnoor1234567 (why are you being dumb wattpad .__.)

~Sabre's POV~

Dropsy finally gives up and flies to get her own grass block to marry, and I look at my grass block. My love of my life, and my soon to be wife.

"I love you, grass block, I can't wait to marry you," I mumble, looking at my beautiful grass block.

~Two Months Later~

Finally, after living with my grass block for the last two months, we're finally getting married. We've had a few arguments, but that's mainly from planning the wedding. Dropsy came back, both of us having a double wedding.

"Do you, Sabre and Dropsy, take your grass blocks to be your partners in crime?" Mogi asks us, seeing as we yelled at him until he got on.

Together, both me and Dropsy say "I do."

"And do you, grass blocks, take Sabre and Dropsy to be your partners in crime?" he asks.

Silence fills the air, signaling an 'I do'

"You may now kiss the block," Mogi explains excitedly and I kiss my block.

Two years later, me and my block have two chicken-grass-block hybrids, being our two kids.

ThE eNd

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