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kaileebear7 asked for this one, and yeah!

It might not be one of the best, seeing as I'm not a big fan of this ship, but hey! I'm trying!

~Light Steve's POV~

Lucas hasn't joined the server in a long time, and I haven't seen any of my friends in a long time so I go to the machine that is supposed to take me from one server and to the other, and I turn it on with me inside it; sending me to Sabre's server.


I appear on the grassy ground, instead of being in the machine I was expecting to be in, and then I see some Steve's. I get up and walk forward, looking for someone who I actually know, and soon when I'm not paying attention I run into someone. 

"Sorry," I groan out as I fall down onto my butt, and then I get up, again. I dust myself off from the dirt and dust that was on the ground, and when I look up I see someone I recognize, though I wish I didn't. 

Bright red eyes looking back at me, I look up to see I ran into the one and only Dark Steve. I get ready to run away, to scream, but nothing comes out. 'This is it... This is what I get for being lonely..' I say to myself as Dark Steve comes closer.

I close my eyes tightly, expecting some pain to come to me, but none ever comes. Instead of feeling pain, I feel a pair of soft lips against mine. 

My eyes widen in shock, and I see Dark Steve as the person who's kissing me. Soon I melt into the kiss, relaxing and kissing him back.

We pull away at the same time, and he lovingly looks into my eyes. "I missed you.." a rough voice I am all to familiar with speaks, making a few tears fall freely. 

"I missed you too, Dark Steve," I say and rest my head on his chest, and we stand there; hugging and enjoying the comfort of being in one another's arms. 


 I'm so happy!

I just got back from shopping (Shopping sucks still though) and I finally got the Imagine Dragons 'Origins' CD!!!!


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