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I had tons of time to write today, but I didn't take much of it to write because I've been thinking about something.

~Sabre's POV~

I flick the lever on, making the rainbow stone get absorbed by Light Steve. Me, Lucas, and Rainbow Steve wait nervously for all the lightning to stop. "Light Stev-- Ultra Steve?" I call and Ultra Steve looks at me through the door. I smile, and then run up to the door and then open it. Ultra Steve stumbles out, and then he hugs me. I grin, hugging him back, and then I hear both Rainbow Steve and Lucas walk away. He giggles, booping my nose.

"I'm glad you're back, Ultra Steve," I say softly and he grins. "Anything to help you, Sabre," he says softly, a blush on his face. He giggles, making me chuckle. 

I go to walk away, but Ultra Steve grabs my wrists and pulls me back. Then, he kisses me softly. My eyes widen against my bandana, before I close them and kiss him back. The kiss was short, fifteen seconds to be exact, but those fifteen seconds were like being on Cloud Nine. 

"I'll fight, for you," he whispers and I smile softly. "I love you Ultra Steve..." I whisper and rest my head on his shoulder. 

"I love you too Sabre," he grins and kisses my forehead. 

"Awwwww!" We both hear and then shoot our heads up, seeing Rainbow Steve watching us intensely while Lucas is making a camera symbol with his fingers. 

"Seriously man?!" I say and then all of us, all four of us, laugh it off. 


BAM! Seven minutes before midnight for me XD

~KoOkIe CoOkIe

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