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Suggested by the amazing StaryQueen2008 

This one gives me some OHSHC vibes, as well as some Jet Pack Blue's by Fall Out Boys--

~Rainbow Steve's POV~

"Why'd you eat the last oreo?!" I shout at Blue Steve, and anger is in his normally friendly eyes. "What do you mean I did?! You clearly did it!" he yells back, making me start crying. 

"Rainbow Steve... don't cry..." he says softly, stepping forward to hug me. I back away, and then run towards the front door. "I-I'm leaving, a-and don't follow me!" I yell and run out, the sky dark above me. I go straight towards one of the few places that calm me.

The park.

I sit down on a bench where only the dark, gloomy sky is above me. I hug my knees, crying softly. Soon, rain drops start falling on my head, but I ignore it and continue crying. 

~Red Steve's POV~

(I bet I surprised you! Yes, it is supposed to be Red Steve--)

I walk around in Rainbow Steve and Blue Steve's house, eating the last oreo I found in the pantry. "I hope you two don't mind, but I ate the last oreo," I say as I walk into the living room to see Blue Steve pacing. "Wait what? Why are you her-- Wait?! You took the last oreo?!" he yells out and I gulp. "Yeah, so?" I ask, and he starts to tug on his hair.

Then, he rushes over and then starts shaking me by my shoulders. "Me and Rainbow Steve got in a fight because of that oreo!" he yells at me. 

"Why are you telling me this? Why don't you go apologize to him?"I ask, and he runs over to the coat rack. He looks out the window, seeing rain pouring outside. 

~Blue Steve's POV~

I grab my jacket and then run outside , going towards the only place I could ever think that Rainbow Steve would've gone. The park. 

I run there as fast as I can, hoping he's still there. My jacket is already soaked, and my throat already burns from running. As soon as I get the park in my vision, I can see one of the benches in the open that has someone sitting on it. 

When I get even closer, I see that the person who was sitting on the bench was Rainbow Steve. I rush over there, and then hug him tightly. He freezes, before slowly hugging me back, both of us drenched in rain. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I yelled at you, I'm sorry I blamed you, and I'm sorry I was being such a jerk..." I say softly, letting my tears finally fall. 

"I did the same thing, so why are you sorry?" he asks. "It was me, just let me take the blame..." I say and press my lips on his. The kiss is short, before we both pull away and I hold his hand, both of us drenched in the rain water. 

"Let's go home..." I whisper and he nods.


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~KoOkIe CoOkIe

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