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I wasn't gonna just do no Steve Saga ship today, I'm not completely out of my mind--

This one was suggested by GalaxyChan6. Also, mah wonderful girlfriend StaryQueen2008 said I could use one of her smutshots as a prompt thing, so ye-- Thank you baby--

 Also, mah wonderful girlfriend StaryQueen2008 said I could use one of her smutshots as a prompt thing, so ye-- Thank you baby--

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~Rainbow Steve's POV~

I groan from my body aching after all the stuff me and Blue Steve had to do within this one, single day. It seems like we've done everything Stevely possible (Hehehehe-- I uh-- *Runs*)

We practiced with the artifacts to get their powers to work with me, dealt with the struggle of getting Professor Red to help us, and just trying to get things to work good for us in general. "Today was a... long day," Blue Steve says, sighing. I nod, unable to fight that at all. 

"Wanna know my favorite part of today?" Blue Steve asks me, grinning. I smile at him, nodding. "Sure, what is it?"

"Being with you."

I blush brightly from three mere words, and he just chuckles. "That was adorable!" he says, only making my blush even worse. "H-Hey!" I stutter out, making him just burst into complete laughter. 

"What about your favorite?" he asks me, and I just shrug. 

"It's been a long day..." I say simply, and he smiles at me. 

"Can I add something that'll be worth today?" he asks me, and I just tilt my head in confusion. "What?--" I start asking, but then his lips meet mine. I blush brightly, kissing him back while my arms wrap around his neck. 

It doesn't take long for us both to pull away, and he lovingly looks into my eyes. 

"I-I love you..." I stutter out, and he grins. 

"I love you too."


I wanna do something special when this book gets 1k votes, which is getting close, but I don't know what-- Leave suggestions, cya!

Cookie Da' Queen~

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