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GamerGabby360 asked for this one, and yeah! This one is short....

~Void Steve's POV~

I watch Time Steve getting destroyed, feeling completely guilty for doing that to the innocent Steve. But he was only going to get into the way, right? I groan, hating feeling guilty about doing these things I do, even though it is for a good cause. I mean, I'm just trying to make sure that everyone is going to stop being cruel in evil in the world, by creating a new one.

A fresh start.

But all these things keep telling me to turn around and help them, just like I feel now that I just had Galaxy Steve absorb Time Steve. I sigh, using my powers to teleport myself away, magically pulling Time Steve from Galaxy Steve once again and taking him to me. 

Time Steve immediately looks around, trying to figure out where he is. "Who are you?" he asks me and I smirk slyly, "I'm Void Steve, I'm the one who saved you from being absorbed by Galaxy Steve." 

He nods, and then without thinking, my body moves on its own. I push my lips against Time Steve's, kissing him passionately. He kisses me back, which takes me by surprise, and then we pull away. 

I run off, completely embarrassed that not only did I just kiss another Steve, but a good Steve as well. Time Steve just stood there, completely confused on what happened. 


Hello, fellow Steve Saga fans! As of today, I finally posted the book of VoidSabre, the one that was based on the fluff oneshots I wrote! Hope to see you there! Also, happy National Pokemon Day!

~KoOkIe CoOkIe

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