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GalaxyChan6 asked for this, so here we go-- Just so you know, this one sucks because I had no ideas, and now I gotta go to bed soon when I need to do two more things--

~Sabre's POV~

Lucas, Rainbow Steve and I walk around the Rainbow Town, looking for something to do. "I'm going to go to the Steve Temple and talk to Ghost Steve, bye guys!" Rainbow Steve says, flying off towards the Temple. 

I sigh, looking over at Lucas. "Anything you want to do?" I ask, and he grins. Then, he pushes me against a tree and kisses me passionately. I blush brightly, kissing him back. My fingers comb through his luscious blonde hair, while his hands rest on my hips. 

The kiss lasts for a good solid 30 seconds, before Lucas pull away, panting slightly. I blush deeply, smiling softly at him.  

"I love you, Sabre~" he purrs softly, making me blush more. 

"I love you too, Lucas..." 


Rainbow Steve and Ghost Steve are in the Steve Temple, making out against a pillar. 

T h E  e N d


Since when did this happen?!

Since when did this happen?!

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Thank you guys so much!!

Cookie Da' Queen~

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