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This is going to be the last one for today, and it was requested by kaileebear7 (Taking place in Assassin's Creed, even though I haven't watched that in almost a year..)

She's a great person, just like everyone else who asked for something, and yeah! If you aren't already, go follow them all!! I beg of you!

Also, this chapter has a lot of gore, so if you are sensitive to anything like that (like I am) than don't read!

~Sabre's POV~

Both me and Shark hop across a few rooftops, cautious not to fall off or anything like that. I look over at Shark, with a look saying, 'You ready?'. He nods and then we both jump down, him taking a little more fall damage than me, seeing as he was a little higher up.  

A bunch of guards swarm towards us, not giving either one of us enough time to regenerate some health. I pull out my sword and swing it around, hitting any guard that gets into my reach with it, and Shark does the same. We stand there, back to back, as we continue to fight off to get all of these dumb guards out of the way. 

The guards all fall around us, slowly bleeding out and dying on the cold hard ground. "That's what you get for messing with us.." I say as I slash my sword at the last one, then I put my sword away. 

"You good?" I ask as I turn around a face Shark, and I see a bloody gash on his hip. He hisses and then nods, although it's clear he isn't. "Come on Shark, we can finish off this mission later; we need to get you some medical help," I say and put my hand on his back, ushering him forward. 

He fights against my grip, and then eventually gets free from it. "No! We need to finish this mission, I'll be fine," he says and I hesitantly nod. We're supposed to finish this mission, no matter the cost, but Shark's hurt!

~Shark's POV~

I fight against the voice in my head telling me to listen to Sabre and go back, and then I fight my way out of his grip. I wince as I turn and some of the metal of my armor slightly digs into my skin, but Sabre doesn't seem to hear it. "No! We need to finish this mission, I'll be fine," I lie and Sabre looks at me in a concerned manner. Slowly, he nods in acceptance, and we continue to move our way into the building. 

We just have to get the chief, then we can leave.. I say to myself as I fight through the pain. Both me and Sabre climb up the stairs slowly and cautiously, our heavy boots making thumps on the ground with each step. 

Each time I turn or I bend any part of my body, I feel like screaming out due to the pain; but that's something a weak person would do. It's only a gash.. I convince myself as I step onto the top step. 

A light is on in the room at the end of the hallway, and we both go over and hug up against the wall. We both pull out our swords that are both coated in the crimson red blood of those pathetic people called 'guards'. (I'm wincing as I write this.. You guys are lucky I've gotten to where I can somewhat stand writing stuff like this; or else I'd pass out right around now) 

Sabre gets to where he is along the wall of the open door, while I still got 1/8th left. He waits on me patiently, and then when I get there two he jumps into the room; me following right behind him. 

The chief stands there, looking out the window, and we both raise our swords. "You two aren't the sneakiest assassin's, seeing as you took a break in the middle of my view to argue about something stupid. Now, who should I kill first?" the chief says and turns around, holding a gun. 

He points the gun at me, and then next thing I know, a loud bang fills my ears. 

Sabre yells out, and then I see him stab the chief with his sword. The smell of irony blood fills my nose, and soon I feel my legs go weak, and I collapse onto the ground. Sabre rushes to my side, and I see his bandana is soaked with tears. "S-Sabre.." I start and he picks me up slightly. "W-What.. what happened..?" I ask as I began to feel my eyes grow heavier. 

"No no no... This can't be happening... No!" Sabre shouts and tears stream down his face. "A-Am I... Am I dying..?" I ask and he slowly nods, and I feel a sharper pain in my chest now. I lean up the best I can, being completely weak, and I see my clothes caked in blood. So the blood was mine.. I think to myself and look at Sabre again. 

"I- I love you, S-Sabre," I say softly and close my eyes. Darkness fills my vision, but I can still hear Sabre faintly choking back sobs. "No! You can't die! I-I love you!" Sabre shouts and clutches my body tighter. 

I feel my body get moved, and I'm sitting on the floor. "I love you Shark.." Sabre says and then another loud bang is heard; then silence. And nothing else.

Nothing at all. 


That was hard to write...

This is the saddest one ;-;

I'm listening to a sad song while I write this, called "If I Killed Someone for You" by Alec Benjamin, and I wanted to make something sad.

Now, I should update soon, (Not as crazy as I did today though lol) but until then, baiiiii!

~KoOkIe CoOkIe

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