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If anyone reads my other oneshot book, this one might seem familiar but into fluff form ^.^ I love my BlueBow (Most of this is just copied and pasted, I'm lazy :P)

~Rainbow Steve's POV~

Nightmare Steve appears in front of me with a sly smirk plastered on his face. Horror covers mine as he steps forward and pulls out a sword. I'm too weak to do anything as his sword goes towards me. My eyes close tight as I wait for the sharp pain to pierce my body.


I shoot up from my bed with sweat pouring down my face. My heart feels as if it was going to beat straight out of my chest. 'It was just a nightmare...' I keep repeating to myself over and over again. Eventually when I come to terms that it was just a nightmare, I lay back down to go to sleep. But all I do it roll around in my bed, tossing and turning; unable to get the nightmare out of my head. Every time I close my eyes I see the sharp, iron sword coming towards me and I just can't force it out of my head.

Eventually, I get up out of the bed and go to the door, turning the knob then walking out. My long, baggy pajamas cover my hands and feet, and the pant leg of it is running along the floor as I take each step. Small thuds come from each step I take until I reach the door of Blue Steve's room. I stand there for a moment, before gaining enough courage to knock on his bedroom door.

For a moment there is just silence, then footsteps come towards the door. The door finally opens and reveals a tired Blue Steve with his robin egg blue hair messed up and his pajamas looking like he has been trying to fix them in the dark and failing miserably. Sleep is the only thing I find in his eyes, then a confused look flashing towards me. "Rainbow Steve? What are you doing here?" He finally says.

I look down at my feet, embarrassed with what I am about to say. For a small moment, there is only out breathing heard as I prepare myself to get the guts to say it. "I-I had a nightmare..." Slowly, I tilt my head to look up him, and our eyes meet as he opens the door wider, enough for me to walk in. Soft blushes dance across both of our faces as I walk into his room. The room is quite big; with three walls covered in books to train to be an elder, and a few others. A small desk is placed in between a few book shelves, and a soft, dim light emerges from the candle that is siting on it. Lastly, I see a small bed in the corner, pushed up against a wall.

"S-Sorry I don't have the biggest of beds," Blue Steve stutters. "If you want I can sleep on the floor." He says while taking a step towards me.

"I-It's your bed" I argue, biting my bottom lip.

"You're my guest" he replies back while smirking

"How about we both sleep in the bed?" I finally say to get the argument to stop, breaking the silence. He nods and that's the moment when I realize what I just proposed for us to do. I slowly walk over to the bed and crawl to the edge, getting as close as I can to the wall. Blue Steve slowly gets in on the other edge and blush a bright red color, my face actually burns from it.

I slowly close my eyes, fearing the nightmare will come back, and eventually fall back to sleep as the drowsiness takes control of my body.

~Blue Steve's POV~

Rainbow Steve slowly goes to sleep and once his breathing has slowed down; I wait there, listening to the sound of his shallow breathing. I roll over and watch the steady rise and fall of his chest as he sleeps. His bright colored hair is scattered across his face and makes me remember all my feelings I have towards him. His eyes when they flicker with joy, his bright smile that can make the darkest days brighter, and the way he always looks for the better in people.

Rainbow Steve rolls over suddenly, rolling into my chest and snuggling up against me. I blush a bright red color that a Red Steve would be envious of as he starts to hug me in his sleep. I brush his soft, colorful hair out of his face and Rainbow Steve starts whimpering in his sleep. He starts to curl up over himself. My arms slowly wrap around his torso, pulling him closer to me until our faces are inches apart.

I whisper softly 'It's okay,' and 'I'm here, don't worry' to him over and over again to calm him down. His expression slowly softens and I kiss his forehand softly. Right after his eyes flutter open and he blushes a bright red.

Even though it's dark in here, and the only light that's here is at the other side of the room, I can see every small detail of his face; and each one adds another reason to the list of why I love him. He backs away from me as soon as his eyes focus, and he for against the wall as if he could go through it if he concentrated hard enough. "I-I'm sorry Blue Steve, I-I--" I cut off his stammering for words by kissing him passionately, pouring my heart and soul into the kiss.

He kisses back instantly, and his body slowly gets closer to me and further from the wall until he's sitting in my lap. (Finally, not the part where I copied and pasted XD)

We both pull away from the kiss around the same time, and I look into is eyes that are normally full of life and color; that are now glazed over with drowsiness. 

"I love you Blue Steve.." Rainbow Steve whispers, barely audible. 

"I love you more Rainbow Steve," I say softly and peck his lips. 

That night we both laid down in my bed, together, and we cuddled all night


I got three favorite things about this one. 

1) I copied and pasted most of it so I didn't write much

2) It's BlueBow!!

3) It's so cute!!!  


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