ElementalNight (Part Two ^^)

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Maggiebutton asked for this, and yeah. 

This mentions cutting, so if sensitive to that don't read. 




 You've been warned  


~Nightmare Steve's POV~

Elemental Steve has been protective over me lately, and it makes me honestly feel worse. I mean, it feels nice knowing someone cares about me; but I don't want to worry him. Which is all I've been doing. Being with him, my depression has gotten better; but every time he sends me to do some dirty work, (Shut up) it kills my self esteem. 

Whenever I go to attack Sabre and Rainbow Steve, all their words hurt. But I keep a straight face and attack them.  As soon as I get home, however, I cry. 

I fly over to Rainbow Steve and Sabre's camp, and shoot fireballs at the building. Sabre runs out, anger clearly coursing through his body. "That's it Nightmare Steve! Stop being a bully towards us!" he shouts, and I feel my mind crumble. All the walls I've built around my mind, they call start to collapse. All the hate I've gotten, it all floods back to me; the waves knocking me down and not giving me a chance to get back up again.

I shoot lightning, and then fly off in the distance, tears streaming down my face. I fly towards my camp, my vision blurred by my tears. Running straight into the door, I swing it open and slam it shut.

I rush to the bathroom, where I turn the sink on. To drown out the sound. I open the medicine cabinet, picking up the razor. Seeing as I've never done this before, my hands are shaking. I bring the razor blade down, tears streaming down my face, as I slice into my own weak skin. 

Dark red liquid comes rushing out of the cut, and I pull the blade from my skin. Next thing I know, blood is covering my formally pale arm, and my salty tears mixing with it. More and more cuts get put onto my arm, making more blood flow free. My tears continue to fall freely, just like the irony, crimson red blood. 

The door lock jingles, and then opens and Elemental Steve comes into the room, jaw dropped and horror written across his face. "Nightmare Steve!" he shout and drops to the ground, pulling the blade from my grip, where he cuts the palm of his hand in the process. 

My tears continue to fall, more than before, and I bury my face into his chest. The blood from my cuts gets everywhere; on him, the tile floor, and everywhere else. Not much feeling is in my arm anymore, and what little there is, is pain. 

Elemental Steve cries as well, rubbing small circles on my back with his left hand, seeing as his right hand is bloody from the cut he got accidentally. "Why in the world did you do this?!" he says in his deep voice, and I continue to sob against his muscular chest. I look up at him, looking into his alluring yellow eyes before sniffling. "I-I... Their words..." I manage to get out. 

"What? Who? Who made you feel the need to do this?" Elemental Steve says and I look down at the red. The red, from my own blood. "Sabre and Rainbow Steve...."

~Elemental Steve's POV~

My anger boils inside me a Nightmare Steve continues to sob into my chest. Fire burns along my fingertips, and I get up, going to his medicine cabinet. I get stuff to clean his cuts, sliding the blade into my pocket, and immediately after I put the stuff to clean his cuts on him. He hisses from the disinfectants, and then he eases up some. 

I continue to bandage him up, getting some strong band-aids made for wounds like these (I forgot the name..). I put them on him, and soon we get up and off the floor. His non-dominant arm is covered in bandages, and I sigh before picking him up. 

"Please Nightmare Steve.. Promise me that you'll never do this again..." I beg and he sighs. After a moment, he nods. "Fine..." he says softly as I put him down in the living room. 

He stumbles, almost falling, but I catch him. I look into his bright red, beautiful eyes. After a moment I kiss his perfect lips, and he slowly kisses back.

Tears burn my eyes from worry, but kissing him melts the tears away. Along some of my fingertips, fire burns, so I'm careful to not burn him as I rest my hands carefully on his fragile body. We pull away, elements jingling around us as I help him the rest of the way from his almost-fall.

"I love you Nightmare Steve..." I whisper and he smiles softly. "I love you too," he whispers to me and then flops down onto the couch


I love one part in this one. Which is a quote I thought of; "All the hate I've gotten, it all floods back to me; the waves knocking me down and not giving me a chance to get back up again." -Me

~KoOkIe CoOkIe

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