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I had this mostly written out, but then I deleted it somehow-- This one was suggested by GalaxyChan6 and yeah!

~Sabre's POV~

Me and Rainbow Steve run, trying to hide from Elemental Steve who is chasing us. He continues to destroy things around us, almost making both me and Rainbow Steve fall into a crater. "Sabre! Where are we supposed to go?! He keeps destroying everything!" Rainbow Steve shouts, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. 

Then, I get an idea. "Rainbow Steve, keep running," I say and then stop, and he continues to run. I watch him for a moment, before looking up at Elemental Steve who is hovering above me. His mixture of everything hair flows, thanks to the wind, and I can't help but blush softly. Even though Elemental Steve is evil, I can't help but feel something towards him.

Something like love.

"You can have me, Elemental Steve! Just don't hurt Rainbow Steve!" I shout at him, making him smirk. Then, he drops to the ground, his face looking wild from all the emotions. "Alright then," he says, getting closer to me. I step back from instinct, but as he gets closer I see the small details of him that I have yet to notice yet.

A slight scruff of hair on his chin, the way his face is chiseled out perfectly, how his olive colored skin goes perfectly with his mixture of colors on his clothes. His soft, pink, kissable lips that are almost calling me, and his yellow eyes that are full of hate but deep down have love buried within them. I can't help but blush. 

As he gets closer, my mind races with all the ways he could kill me right here and now. But instead, he leans forward and roughly places his lips against mine. I blush brightly, but soon melt into the kiss and kiss him back. My arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer, while his hands rest on my hips. 

This wonderful, amazing kiss lasts for a minute or so before we both pull away, and I'm left panting. He seems unfazed though, a smirk plastered on his face. He gently kisses my cheek, and then hugs me; taking me by complete surprise. "I love you..." he whispers, and then I look up at him in his yellow eyes.

The evil seems completely gone from them, and now the only thing that's there is love. "I love you too, Elemental Steve..." I say, smiling softly. I cuddle up against his well-built, strong, muscular chest and soon fall asleep in his warm arms. 

~Rainbow Steve's POV~

After a while, I start getting worried about Sabre, so I turn around to go look for him. After a small bit of running, I see Sabre and Elemental Steve at the exact same spot I left Sabre at. They're both cuddling against each other, both seeming asleep. "Well then..." I say to myself, leaving them both there.


I don't like this one, but here ya' go. 

Cookie Da' Queen~

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