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Spiritwing251 asked for this, and yeah! Only like eight more requests to go...

~Nightmare Steve's POV~

I summoned Dark Steve once again, him looking straight forward. I turn off the machine and releasing Dark Steve from the 'strong' signal of the redstone. Of course, redstone does little effect on me, but whenever Dark Steve is first summoned, he's weak. Normally, Dark Steve can break free from a weak machine like this, but since he's weak he can't break out. 

He stumbles forward, being freed from the pistons. "Yes, Nightmare Steve?" he asks, and I nod. "You see, I've been wanting to destroy Rainbow Steve and Blue Steve," I start, a sly smirk plastered on my face. He nods, clearly weak still.

"So, I figured you could help me," I conclude. He smiles; his evil, sly smile. He then chuckles, laughing evilly. "Gladly," he says and I grin. We both walk off, and he stumbles. I manage to catch him, blushing slightly. A light pink blush dusts across his face as well, as I help him up the rest of the way.

"Th-Thanks, Nightmare Steve," Dark Steve says and I smile softly. Without thinking, I lean down and kiss him softly. He kisses back, and I feel myself blush softly.

After a moment we both pull away, and blush a vivid shade of pink. 

"S-Sorry," I say softly and he kisses my cheek. "That's fine Nightmare Steve!" he giggles, showing a always hidden side of him. I blush a little more, and then we both walk away, towards where Rainbow Steve and Blue Steve are.


After a lot of walking, we spot them; just to see both Rainbow Steve and Blue Steve having a full on makeout session. Dark Steve and I both blush from seeing this, walking away slowly. 


I didn't know how to end it, so BlueBow!!! This is short -.-

~KoOkIe CoOkIe

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