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Sksksk- this is my friend Arrow ( ArchCode91 ) and Void Steve because im an amazing friend like that (jk I'm the worst friend anyone could have—)

I GoT pErMiSsIoN tHoUgH-

She gave me the prompt too :3

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She gave me the prompt too :3

~Third Person POV~

Arrow just got her schedule and everything else for her College she applied to, and on the flyer with her schedule, she has her roommates name on it too! She excitedly opens it, excited to know who she's gets to room with for the semester.

Eventually she finds where it says the name of who she's sharing a room with, right under where it says the room number. Void Steve.

She rolls her eyes, seeing as he was at her high school. He was the bad boy type of guy; always skipping class, always getting in trouble, and so much more. "Out of everyone in the world, why did I have to get roomed with him?!" she thinks to herself, huffing and walking towards the school building.

She walks into the room, seeing Void Steve already being in there and unpacking. Tossing her bags to the only other open bed, she groans and starts to unpack as well. "Well aren't you a ray of sunshine," Void Steve says sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

Arrow huffs, choosing not to keep going with the insults and just continues to unpack her belongings in her half of the room.

Some time later, they both finish unpacking their stuff, mainly being clothes they had to struggle to fit into the small closets. Lucky for Void Steve, it wasn't as hard for him to fit everything into it because the main thing he had brought clothing wise is dark gray hoodies, jeans and sweatpants, plus one single leather jacket.

Arrow, on the other hand, had all kinds of different clothing due to the fact that she had some different outfits for different occasions; even though most of them were along the same type of design. She flops onto the bed, just like she did at home and stares at the ceiling, huffing.

She still doesn't say anything to him, seeing as her and Void Steve weren't on the best of terms back in High School, so there is just an awkward silence.

"Just one semester you have to deal with him, Arrow..." she thinks to herself, still not daring to say anything aloud. Awkward silence continues to loom in the air, before eventually, Void Steve breaks it. "So, you're Arrow?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

Her eyes widen slightly when she realizes he doesn't remember her. Yeah, she changed a bit since graduation, but still; she's just the same person she was before.

"Yep..." she says awkwardly, her voice cracking for some reason. She curses under her breath, and he just chuckles.

"I'm Void Steve," he says simply, not offering a hand for a hand shake nor anything else. Arrow doesn't say anything, not knowing what in the world she could even say. She simply just smiles softly, before she eventually leans back on her bed again, staring at the ceiling.

Some time later, Void Steve gets up and goes to his closet, putting the leather jacket on and then closing his closet before leaving. Arrow didn't bother looking up, and just closed her eyes before drifting off into sleep.

~One Week Later~

Recently Void Steve's been feeling rather different when he walks into the dorm room and Arrow is in there, but he ignores the odd feeling he has in his stomach and leaves without saying where he's going just as he's done every night since he's gotten there.

Arrow leans back on her bed, feeling alone since all of her friends are busy at the moment and Void Steve is out doing who knows what.

Void Steve huffs, walking back to the dorm room he stays in, still wearing his leather jacket (You're welcome Arrow :3) from his evening motorcycle ride. Technically he's not supposed to have the motorcycle on the campus, but he does anyway, seeing as he's the "bad boy" and all.

All the lights were off in the dorm room, and he just shrugs, assuming that Arrow had already went to bed early once again. Yesterday he wanted to talk to her about something, but she was already in bed before he got back (ArRoW iN bEd EaRlY? wHaT iS tHiS wItChCrAfT-). He simply sighs, turning the lights on.

Every night, Arrow has been awake, just laying on her side and staring at her wall until Void Steve got back to the dorm.

It's been a week since they started College, and she's already getting some feelings she had from High School come back to her.

Arrow and her friends watched Void Steve in a semi-creepy way, though all the people in the hallway made it easy to not seem like they're watching him. Arrow has had a slight crush on Void Steve for a while, and most people knew about it. Well, most everyone, excluding Void Steve.

Arrow didn't dare saying anything to her crush at the time, seeing as every girl he's been asked out by has either been rejected or tormented by him and his friends; sometimes both too.

One day, Void Steve heard people talking about how someone named "Arrow" had this insane crush on him from people talking in the hallway, who he later found out was Cookie, Nina and Kaitlyn. (Sksksksksk not sorry- KaitlynSky9 / KaitlynSky10 and NinaSteeve96 / NinaSteeveRP get mentioned—)

It didn't take Void Steve long to find Arrow, and after he did him and his followers (the dudes that follow the bad guys- I don't know what they're called ;-;) teased Arrow since. (;-; I'm sowwy ;-;;;)

Now, Arrow is here, sharing a room with him and he doesn't even remember her. The feelings come back to her, and she bites them back, too scared to do anything. "Arrow?" Void Steve asks quietly, thinking she's asleep.

She groans, as if she's been asleep, and turns to face him. She doesn't say anything, and he sighs. "Look, I'm sorry about... high school..." he mumbles quietly, and it takes her by complete surprise.

She bites his lip, and he looks up at her. "Honestly, those feelings you had in high school... I'm starting to feel them towards you now..." he says even quieter.

"R-Really..?" she asks quietly. He nods, and then she jumps off her bed, and then hugs him.

His eyes widen in surprise, but he hugs back. "Want to be my girlfriend?" he asks softly, and she eagerly nods.


Sksksksk this was long- not really, but-
Now, go check out Arrow's profile later, she's amazing :D
And so are all the other people mentioned in here, plus other people too :3 anyway, Imma go die now-

Officer Cookie~

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