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I haven't updated this in a while... Whoops... I also can't sleep so.. let's update! 

~Galaxy Steve's POV~

My hands reach out, stretching to be able to reach Rainbow Steve. You see, me and Sabre just got him back not long ago, and he's already in danger. Something I can't bare the thought of. 

His breathing is quick, from being scared of tumbling down to the rocky ground. Carefully, he moves to where his hand is in mine, and then I grab his hand with my other one. Tears burn in Rainbow Steve's colorful eyes, full of life even though he could be on the brink of death. 

Tears are in my yellow eyes as well, scared for the one and only person I love. Rainbow Steve. I've loved him for a while, since not long after I met him, but I could never admit it. How could I? He was always with Sabre, and when he wasn't, he seemed sad. I didn't want to tell him in front of Sabre, because I was scared of rejection; but now he's close to falling.

Rainbow Steve looks up at me, hopeless, but I give him a sincere smile as I continue to try to pull him up. "G-Galaxy Steve, if I don't make it--" he starts before I cut him off completely. "Don't speak like that! We're going to save you! I'm going to save you!" I shout at Rainbow Steve. 

He smiles weakly, and my hands already burn from trying to hold onto him for so long. "I-I love you Galaxy Steve..." he whispers, making my eyes widen. Just from those three words and my name, I gain strength and am able to pull Rainbow Steve up as if he's a feather. 

Tears are in both of our eyes, but with the pad of my thumb, I wipe his away. Then, he stands on the tips of his toes, letting our lips meet. I feel myself blush, but I immediately start kissing him back. 

Lips moving against one another, the feeling is sensational. We stay like that for a little while, before we pull away and he's panting softly. "I-I-I love you t-too, Rainbow Steve," I say, making him smile. 

"Until death do us part, I will love you," he says softly.

"And then on too," I smirk, kissing him again.


I kinda, sorta lost my request list-- So, leave some  requests here! Before I go crazy--

~KoOkIe CoOkIe

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