PlagueGhost (Edited)

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I agreed not to delete the last one (Blame Fuzzy_ones_415) and yeah. GamerGabby360 wanted this edited to save her OCD from dying, and ye

~Ghost Steve's POV~

I jump up and down in excitement as Sabre says he's making a new video for his 'youtube channel' thing. The idea of what a youtube channel is is still fuzzy for me, but I'm still excited for it nevertheless.

Plague Steve flies down and smiles at me, and I giggle quietly. A blush dances across my dace as he lands near me, and he smirks softly. It makes my blush worse, and soon Sabre comes over. "You guys ready for the video?" he asks and we both nod. Sabre smiles at the two of us and then nods, walking over to Lucas and Rainbow Steve. Plague Steve looks over at me and smiles softly, and I giggle from it.

Next thing I know, Plague Steve wraps his arms around my neck, making me blush a vivid color, and then he kisses me softly. The kiss is slow and passionate, and I kiss him back after a moment of shock.

We both pull away, him smirking with a slight blush, while I am a full on rosy red color. Next thing I know, a 'awwwww' comes from the side, and when I look over, it's from Rainbow Steve, Sabre, and Lucas.

"Dang it!" Plague Steve says, while I just blush more. 


I don't feel like adding anything, but at least I fixed the spelling and grammar errors. 

Also, March 5th, I'm probably going to be about the same as I was yesterday, so heads up! (Dang dentist appointment..)

~KoOkIe CoOkIe

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