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GalaxyChan6 asked for this one, and yeah! Here we go!

~Void Steve's POV~

I continue to search for Sabre and Galaxy Steve after the great library got destroyed. I can't believe they did that! Why won't they just stop running from me and actually let me do the things I have planned!?

I need Galaxy Steve so that way there I can grow to be the most powerful Steve in the universe, and I need Sabre so I can tell him how I feel! And I can't do that without them letting me catch them!

I continue to fly around in search for both Galaxy Steve and Sabre, soon seeing both of them on the ground, Galaxy Steve practicing something. Powers? No, it can't be, he lost them a while back. He's so weak, he can't even fly! So how could he ever have powers? Simple, he can't.

I fly down towards the two of them, summoning tons of lightning. "What the hec-- Void Steve?!" Sabre says as soon as he sees me, running the opposite way. 

"Yes! It is I, Void Steve! And I am here for you, Sabre!" I say and fly down, picking him up bridal style. A soft blush is across his face as he looks up at me, and then anger. "Put me down!" he shouts but I hold him closer, tighter. 

I fly back towards where me and Rainbow Steve set up our base, soon getting there and landing on the ground with a soft thud. Rainbow Steve is out collecting more materials, so he isn't going to be back anytime soon, and I'll be here alone with Sabre. 

I carry him into the house that Rainbow Steve built, and lock the door before I finally put Sabre down. "What do you want?! What are you going to do to me?!" Sabre shouts at me, his words almost making me feel guilty. Almost. After all, even evil people still love someone; and my someone is him. 

I walk closer to him, and he backs away from me; until soon he is backed up into a wall. I place my arms on the wall, trapping him, and then our faces are inches away. He blushes slightly and his breathing quickens.

I then close the gap, kissing him softly. For a moment he just freezes up, and then eventually he melts into the kiss, kissing me back. The kiss lasts for a hot minute, then I pull away when I start feeling breathless. He leans his head onto my shoulder and looks at me, and then he kisses my cheek softly. 

"I wanted to get you here, alone, so I could do that," I say softly and then he kisses me this time. I kiss him back, and we have a makeout session for a few minutes, until we hear the door opening.

"Void Steve, I'm bac-- Sabre?! Void Steve?!" Rainbow Steve yells and I jump from his yelling. 

Dang it... 


I might write a smutshot off this one day, so ye

~KoOkIe CoOkIe

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