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Imma get to you guys' request, but the newest chainsmokers song made me want to do a oneshot on this-- Chainsmokers are awesome-- (FiGhT mE--)

~Rainbow Steve's POV~

Me and Sabre walk through the field in the Spirit Realm, me telling him about what I finally remember of about my past. "Blue Steve... he was my best friend back then..." I explain in a soft voice, and Sabre pauses for a moment, nodding slowly. 

"I uh... Rainbow Steve?" he says, and I just do a 'hm?' in response. 

"I want to tell you something..." Sabre says softly, and I nod slowly. "I-I... I like you... as more than just friends," he says softly. 

"I-I love you, Rainbow Steve!" Sabre then shouts, and I feel stunned. I stop dead in my tracks, unable to move. I then think about it, and words just flow into my mind. "Do you mean, do you mean what you say?" I ask, and Sabre looks at me confused. 

"Of course I do! I've loved you for a while, but never been able to tell you!" Sabre explains, and I just sigh. "What you said, no, you can't take away," I explain, a rhythm in my words. Sabre huffs, nodding. "I know! That's why I finally admitted it!" 

"You're my gospel, but I'm losing faith, losing faith," I hum softly, and he looks at me confused. "... Are you okay, Rainbow Steve?" he asks me, and I nod. "Do you mean, do you mean what you say?" I say again, and Sabre looks at me like I'm crazy.

"You said that already! Are you sure you're fine?" I nod once again, thinking about what I should say next. "Take a minute, do you need to stop and think?" I ask, and Sabre looks almost hurt. "Of course I don't, or else I wouldn't have said it!"Sabre shouts, seeming almost a little annoyed. 

"What we have, no, we can't throw away, throw away," I say, and Sabre nods slowly. 

"I don't want to loose you, Rainbow Steve, but I really want to be with you..." Sabre whispers, his thumb rubbing against my cheek. "Show me that you mean it, ay; show me that you mean it," I say, and Sabre steps forward. My breathing quickens, and Sabre looks into my eyes softly. Then, he gently leans down, kissing me softly. 

I blush slightly, though not having enough strength and courage to kiss him back. "Do you really mean it, ay," I say as soon as he pulls away, and Sabre looks down at me softly. "Of course..." he whispers.

Then, he starts to take his bandanna off from around his eyes, revealing his green eyes that are a little glossy. He's crying. "Everything happens for a reason," I hum, and Sabre nods. 

"Can you just give me a reason, Rainbow Steve? Do you like me or not?" Sabre asks desperately, and I shake my head slightly. "Show me that you mean it. Do you? Do you?" I ask, and Sabre looks at me softly. "Of course... just, please.. tell me how you feel..." A tear rolls down his cheek, and he smiles weakly. "Please..?" he begs. 

"I hope you mean what you say," I say softly, pausing. "Hope you ain't lying to my face," I finish, and Sabre rests his hand on my cheek. "I promise you, I'm not lying..." 

"You heard some stories about my past, hey," I say, and Sabre steps back. "Is this what it's about?" Sabre asks, seeming desperate. 

"Wish we could leave them in the past, hey," I say, knowing it's how I feel completely. I didn't want to have to go back to think about those memories, much less explain them. Though, I am happy I remember Blue Steve...

"I-I'm sorry... you didn't have to tell me, if it meant that much to you..." Sabre whispers, tears now rolling down his soft cheeks. I give in, I can't keep this going on any longer. I kiss him.

Sabre kisses me back, hugging me as well. I blush slightly, my fingers running through his soft, fluffy brown hair. The kiss lasts for about 20 seconds in total, before we both pull away; and he's smiling softly. 

"I'm sorry..." I whisper, and Sabre smiles. He then hugs me, and I bury my face against his chest. 

"I love you..." he says softly, getting my hair out of my face. I smile weakly, hugging him and smiling softly. "I love you too, Sabre..." 


I just read about like a million ghost stories in the state I live in, one of which being about somewhere like 10 minutes from me; so Imma not sleep for a while--

Cookie Da' Queen~

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