Reader x Their Crush

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Look, nobody requested this; but tons of people here that read this are suicidal or having rough times, and they like some Steve Saga character or someone in general
So, I'm making this.
Main people this is directed to is darksorcerer05 , StaryQueen2008 , MaxSpades , RainbowSam9 , AliLovesRoleplay
and many more.
Keep in mind, I'm writing this is legit anyone who reads this' POV so it's not gonna be accurate with everyone's lives-

Small info:
Y/N = Your Name
C/N = Crushes Name
F/C = Favorite Color
S/N = Sibling Name
(If you don't have a sibling, just pretend or make someone up-)

~Y/N's POV~

I sigh, walking down the stairs. My bedroom was in on the top floor, but it's finally time for dinner. Anymore, it's the only meal I eat, because I don't feel like going downstairs where my family pretends that everything's alright, then get mad at me.

It's just one meal, you'll be fine... I tell myself, wrapping my arms around myself. Mom smiles at me, though I know it's most likely a lie; just like most things anymore.

We all start to eat, silence illuminating the room.

Gloom fills the room, and as soon as I finish eating; I head upstairs to my bedroom again. "Wait, Y/N," S/N calls, making me turn around. I don't particularly like talking to them, but oh well. "You got this in the mail," they hum, throwing an envelope at me before running off.

I grab it, smiling when I see the handwriting I've longed to see for a while. A letter from C/N.

I run up the stairs, quickly opening the envelope as soon as I get in there. I smile, ripping it open and finding a letter from C/N.

Dear Y/N,

When you wrote me that last letter, I wish that we were together so I could say everything's alright...

The letter starts, and I bite my lip. Of course, they remembered. Why wouldn't they? They're the only person that seems to care. I continue to read the letter, looking down at their careful handwriting that covers the entire page.

You told me that you didn't matter, that your hope has been shattered. You said you feel like giving up the fight... I know it feels like more than you can take, but you are strong enough. Believe me when I say I will never leave you...

Tears roll down my cheeks as I read, missing C/N's presence, telling me that everything's going to be okay.

You can always be you; cause even when you feel alone, no, you ain't by yourself.  I'm a shoulder you can cry on, and I'm someone for you to rely on... Because even when you're alone, you won't need no one else.

Silent tears continue to roll down my face, and I bite my lip to stay quiet. I miss you so much, C/N... I think silently, knowing that they're far away right now and going to be for a while.

So don't hurt yourself...

I look down at the sleeves of my hoodie that cover my arms, knowing what they're talking about.

I know at home isn't perfect, but the battle scars aren't worth it; but I don't want to read between the lines.. I know at times it can burn you, the ones that care, yeah, they deserve you. Just stick around, there will be better times...

They repeat that I'm strong enough to get through this, and I can't help but cry more. They're the only person that seemed to actually care, and now I know just how much they do.

We are going to give you all the love that you need, just promise me that you'll never leave....


"I won't leave..." I whisper. "For you..." I look in the envelope, finding something else in it.

A picture of me and them. You are strong enough is printed on the back, and I smile softly, despite the tears staining my cheeks.

"I love you, C/N..."


Have the song this is based on

Officer Expired Cookie~

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