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I was talking to LogicIsntRealPappyWritesBooks, and TheNotSinglePringle on discord, and we got on the topic of the Steve's as kids-- 

I was talking to LogicIsntReal, PappyWritesBooks, and TheNotSinglePringle on discord, and we got on the topic of the Steve's as kids-- 

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~Rainbow Steve's POV~

Me, Sabre, Blue Steve, and Purple Steve run around in the flowery field, our tiny little legs moving as fast as they possibly can. "Come on, Rainbow Steve! Last one to the house is a rotten egg!" Sabre shouts and then running straight to the house with a giggle. 

Purple Steve is the first one of us to take off into the run, with me and Blue Steve running behind. Blue Steve looks over his shoulder, giggling softly at me which completely messes up my momentum. I stumble, and then crash to the ground. I whine from the impact, biting my bottom lip to keep myself from crying. 

Blue Steve is the first to turn around, and then he runs over to my side. "Are you okay Rainbow Steve?" Blue Steve quickly asks me, and I nod. Though not believing it myself, I tell him I'm fine. 

"You don't look fine... Come on, get up and try to walk..." Blue Steve says, and then Sabre and Purple Steve seem to notice I fell. They both run back towards me, gathering around me. I nod slowly, trying to stand up but just ending up falling again. A tear escapes the corner of my eye, and Blue Steve looks at me in concern. 

"I-I'm fine..." I reassure him, but he doesn't believe it. 

"Sabre, Purple Steve; can you two go get the Librarian?" Blue Steve says as soon as the two of them get over to us, and they nod. They run off, their stubby little legs carrying them as fast as they can towards where we all last saw the Librarian. 

"You're not fine, you're crying," Blue Steve says, and then hugs me softly. I hug him back, smiling weakly. 

"My ankle hurts..." I whisper, and he nods slowly. The tears finally burn their way through my eyes, and I grimace from the pain.

Blue Steve stays by my side, but after a few minutes the Librarian comes over with Sabre and Purple Steve trailing behind him like puppy dogs. "Oh no, what happened?" the Librarian asks, squatting down by my side. 

"He fell," Blue Steve says softly, and I nod. 

"Come on, let's go get that fixed up then," the Librarian says, picking me up and then carrying me towards the house. My gaze stays locked on Blue Steve's as he follows us, and his stays on me. 

"I'll be by your side," Blue Steve told me a while back, last time I got hurt. 

I smile softly at him, continuing to think back on that.

"I'll be by your side..." Blue Steve says softly as the Librarian carries me into the house. All three of them follow us, and I smile at Blue Steve. 

"Until the end."


I wanna hug baby Blue Steve ;-;;;;;;

Cookie Da' Queen~

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