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StarGalaxy2020 requested this, and I'm actually happy about getting this ship! It's sounded awesome!

~Rainbow Steve' POV~

Lightning spawns, telling me that Lucas is trying to summon me onto his server. I go towards the Rainbow Tree of Life, hopping into the massacre of lightning, getting teleported to Lucas' server.

Lucas unlocks me from the machine, and I stumble out. Lucas smiles, and I giggle softly. "Hey Rainbow Steve!" he grin brightly, and I giggle once again. "Hey Lucas! Why'd you summon me?" I ask, and he shrugs.

"Sabre couldn't get on today, and he said maybe me and you could do some work around here," his voice is happy. I jump in excitement, happy because we'll probably build some stuff.

He chuckles, making me blush softly. I compose myself before he can notice though, making my slight crush on him get buried deep inside me. 

~Lucas' POV~

I tell Rainbow Steve that I invited him because Sabre can't get on, but in reality it's because I missed seeing him. He jumps in excitement as soon as I say we could work on things on my server some, and I chuckle softly. After that, he grabs my hand and takes me towards the thing we need to work on the most. The basement. 

Even though me and Sabre have spent hours on it, it still looks like some sort of tornado came through and destroyed it all. Doesn't help that some evil Steve's have attacked this place before.

Rainbow Steve pulls out some spruce wood, and then starts to repair the floor. I help him, and we continue to place the wood until the floor is back to being solid ground. "Now, we should finish repairing the walls, right?" he asks me and I shrug. "It's your choice, do whatever you want to do first," I say and he turns around. 

"Well, what if I told you that I want to do something that isn't repairing this basement?" he asks me and I shrug. "Well, what do you want to do then?" I ask and he giggles. 

"I wanna kiss you," he says softly, blushing the same shade of red as his hair when he's at full power. I blush just as bright, and then step forward, gently pushing him against the wall. Both of our blushes manage to get even redder, as I slowly kiss him softly. He kisses me back, wrapping his hands around my neck, and then tossing my hat off to the side.

He runs his fingers through my hair while our lips move against one another's in sync, making the kiss slow and passionate. We both pull away, too soon for comfort, and he giggles softly. "I love you Lucas!" he says and softly kisses my cheek. 

"I love you too Rainbow Steve."


Woah, that one was really fun! Anyway, seeing as I have tons of requests, I'm going to put a list here of what I have left to do. 

VoidBow -Gurnoor1234567

TheTimeSpike -AlissaNielsen

ThePositiveSpike -XxRoboticLauncherxX

FavreMyUltra -OliSteve

RedBlue -TheFakeGuest123

MemorySabre -OliSteve

So yeah, tons of requests, plus requests on the other oneshot book. It's a lot ;-;

~KoOkIe CoOkIe

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