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AlissaNielsen asked for this one, and it was kinda giving me issues at first but I got it finally

~Time Steve's POV~

I stumble around on my own, seeing as I left Rainbow Steve and Sabre so I could be alone for a while. Soon, I see a bunch of craters, and some rainbow colored wall for a slight bit before it abruptly ends. A small gateway is visible, and I walk through it, onto a small bridge. I look around at the craters, not paying attention to where I am going and walking off into a crater. "Woah! Gah..." I explain aloud as I land on the hard ground. I groan as I get up, not taking damage but not liking the feeling. 

Suddenly some yellow words are in the bottom left of my vision, saying, 'TheLSpike joined the game'. The second those words are flaunted in front of my face, some player looking thing falls from the sky and lands in the crater, actually taking damage. They groan and get up, and I fly over to where they landed. 

"You okay?" I ask and hold my hand out for them to grab. They groan from pain and take my hand, and I help pull them up. I accidentally pull to hard, sending both of us stumbling backwards. We would've hit the ground, but I managed to use my powers right before my back collided with the stone. 

I see a blush on his face as he slowly gets up. "Thanks..?" he asks, and I realize I never introduced myself. "I'm Time Steve, what about you?" I ask him. He smiles softly, "I'm Lucas."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Lucas," I say and blush as well. (Dis' one is making me feel tired helpppp) Then, he puts his hand out to help me instead. I grin, taking his hand. Once I am standing on my very own feet, we both just stand there. Then, he leans down and we meet halfway for a kiss. Though I literally just met him, I feel like I've known him forever, so I kiss him back. 

The kiss lasts for about ten seconds or so, then we pull away. He smiles softly at me. "It's was nice meeting you, but I got to go..." Lucas says softly. I sigh, nodding, and then he leaves. 


I was kinda rushing it at the end, but yeah. I won't be updating tomorrow, unless you want another one full of grammar and spelling mistakes. Yep, LaNiCaNe! Oof...

~KoOkIe CoOkIe

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