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Requested by SST3LSRS and TheDiamondLu-- I used a random prompt I found online, being- (The marked out is profanity-)

Requested by SST3LSRS and TheDiamondLu-- I used a random prompt I found online, being- (The marked out is profanity-)

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~Rainbow Steve's POV~

Me and Sabre have been dating a while now, and I really love him. Of course, we have the third wheel of the relationship, being Lucas. (*Cough cough* Remind you of someone, PappyWritesBooks?-- *Cough cough*) Neither me nor Sabre mind though, he makes some laughs come into the day. 

Though, sometimes he can get on both of our nerves. I mean, it's fun and all having him with us, but sometimes we just want some alone time, y'know? I'm not sure why, but I feel like today is going to be one of those days that he gets a bit on our nerves. "Oh well...." I say aloud, looking over at Sabre who just smiles softly at me. 

"Ready babe?" (Random me fact: I've never used babe in a sentence in my life other than in writing; the only "typical" pet name I've used for someone I've dated was baby-) Sabre asks me, and I just smile for a moment before nodding. I get up, and we both walk out the door of the Rainbow House (I miss dat' place ;-;) and towards the Steve Temple, which is where Lucas has been staying the past few days. 

"Hey guys!" Lucas says, running over and then hugging us both.

Sabre grins, hugging back while I just awkwardly get squished around. (My life-) "Hey Lucas!" I say with a smile as soon as I'm freed from the hug. 

"Anywayyyyyyyy," Sabre starts, dragging out the ending. "I was wondering if y'all wanted to go on an adventure?" he suggests, and Lucas shrugs. 

I smile brightly, nodding eagerly. Lucas sighs and then nods, and Sabre smiles. "Alright then! Get things you think you might need, we'll meet back here in ten."

Me and Sabre immediately rush back to the Rainbow House, and Lucas goes into the Steve Temple. I grab an iron sword for myself, as well as one for Lucas since I don't think he has one. Sabre crafts another one for himself, and I see him grab some other stuff from the chests. I grab a few more things before going over to Sabre, who just smiles at me. "Ready?"

I nod, and then go to walk off but get stopped by Sabre's hand grabbing onto my wrist to get me to turn around. I blush softly, and he just grins. "I love you, Rainbow Steve," Sabre says with a grin before kissing the bridge of my nose gently. 

I blush softly, smiling at him. "I love you too, Sabre."

He leans down slowly, and I blush more. I stand up on my tippy toes though, and right when our lips are about to meet, we get stopped by the sound of Lucas' voice. "The two love-birds say their 'I love you's' and then lean in for a kiss, just to stop abruptly. Rainbow Steve is left blushing more, and Sabre looks like he's about to kill someon—"

"Dang it Lucas I swear!" Sabre shouts, making me burst into laughter. 

Sabre then chases Lucas up the stairs and around the top floor before Lucas runs back down stairs and hides behind me. Sabre sighs in frustration, and I just smile. "Don't worry, it's fine. Shouldn't we head out for the adventure!" I giggle, and Sabre smiles softly. 

He kisses my cheek, and I lead us all out before we start heading off for an adventure


Sorry for not updating for a few days, I've been sick and lazy :P 

Cookie Da' Queen~

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